A lot of wills, whilst themselves written in English, will have probates in Latin. This is especially true of the PROB 11 series from the UK National Archives, containing wills proved at the Preogative Court of Canterbury. It is relatively easy to derive a date from this, and that is often in the index in any case, and involved names, but understanding the nuance requires translating the Latin. This can sometimes give extra details about the people involved, whether they were present in person when the probate was granted, etc.
This isn't as easy as it sounds, however. The first problem is that whilst the probate follows a very general formula, it is not the same from one to the next, as it would be with a printed form, for example. The second issue is that the Latin is almost always heavily abbreviated which can make deciphering the text extremely difficult, especially when your knowledge of the language is not fluent.
My go to book for looking up abbreviations in the first instance is The Record Interpreter by Charles Trice Martin.
More useful however, is probably to have some examples to follow, so I present some below from wills on this blog, along with their translations. As with all my transcriptions I have kept the lines of the original document. This not only helps me when I try and find the transcribed text back in the original document, it also helps match up translations with the original transcription, as you know that the start of each line will be coincident. Once the abbreviations have been expanded, the lines can get a bit long, which means that individual lines in the original document will wrap on the rather narrow column that Blogger seems to allow.
William Midwynter - Northleach - 1501
Probatum fuit suprascript[um] testm[entum] coram m[agist]ro Willi[ia]mo Barons legu[m] doctore progative eccl[es]i[a]e xpi Cant[uariensis] sede Archce[pisco]pali
vica[r]ii connssario vij die mens[is] Maij Anno d[o]m[ini] mill[esi]mo quingetesimo primo/ Jur[amento] m[agist]ri Joh[ann]is Reed notarij pu[bli]ci procur[at]is in hac
parte Ac approbat[um] et insumat[um] Et comissa fuit admi[ni]stra[c]o Alicie Relicte et executrici in h[uius]mod[i] test[ament]o nomi[n]ate in p[er]sona d[i]c[t]i p[ro]cur[at]is
De bene et fidelit[er] admi[ni]strand[o] Ac de pleno et fideli Inve[n]tario citra f[estu]m Ascensionis d[o]m[ini] px futur[um] exh[iben]di Necnon de plano et
vero comp[u]to reddend[o] in debit[o] iur[i]s forma iurat/.
The above written testament has been proven before master William Barons doctor of laws deputy commissary of the prorogative church of Christ of the archepiscopal
seat of Canterbury on 7th day of the month of May Anno Domini one thousand five hundred and one. By the oath of master John Reed public notary and proctor in this
part And approved and registered And was committed the admistration to Alice Widow and executorix named in this testament in the person of the said proctor
To be administered well and faithfully And of a full and faithful Inventory to be produced this side of the soon to be feast of the Ascension of the Lord Christ And also of a clear and
true calculation to be returned sworn in the due form of the law.
Alice Midwynter - Northleach - 1502
Probatum fuit suprascriptu[m] test[amentu]m coram mag[ist]ro Rogero Church decretorum doctore preroga/
tive Eccl[es]i[a]e xpi Cant[uariensis] Custodi &c Comissario l[egi]time deputato xj die mensis Maij Anno domini
suprad[i]c[t]o Juramento Ric[ard]i Wenman execut[oris] personaliter comparentis et mag[ist]ri Joh[ann]is Long procur[at]is Thome
Busshe execut[oru]m d[i]c[t]o test[ament]o no[m]i[n]at[ur] &c Ac approbat[um] et insumat[um] &c Et comissa fuit administracio om[n]i[um] et sing[u]lor[um]
bonor[um] et debitor[um] &c execut[oru]m d[i]c[t]o test[ament]o no[m]i[n]at[ur] de bene et fidelit[er] admi[ni]strandi Ac de pleno et fideli Inventario
om[n]i[um] et sing[u]lor[um] bonor[um] et debitor[um] &c citra festum Pentecostes &c Necnon de plano et vero comp[u]to &c
The above written testament has been proven before master Roger Church doctor of decrees Warden
of the prerogative Church of Christ of Canterbury etc. legitimately deputy Commissary on 11th day of the month of May Anno domini
above written By the oath of Ricard Wenman executor appearing personally and master John Long proctor Thomas
Busshe executors of the said named testament etc. And approved and registered And was commited the administration of all and singular
the goods and debts etc. to the executors of the said named testament to be administered well and faithfully And of a full and faithful Inventory
of all and singular the goods and debts etc. on this side of the feast of Pentecost etc. And also of a clear and true calculation etc.
Roberte Huckvale - Oxford, Oxfordshire - 1556
Probatu[m] erat hoc Testamentu[m] Robertu
Huckvale p[ar]och[ialis] b[ea]te Marie Magdalene in
suburbiis C[o]mitat[is] oxon dum vixit nup[er] def[uncti] p[rese]ntibus
annex coram nobis Waltero Wryght legum doctore
R[everen]di in chr[ist]o p[at]ris ac d[omi]ni domini Roberti p[er]missione di[vin]a
oxon. Ep[iscop]i vicario in sp[irit]ualib[us] generali necnon
Arch[idiacono] oxon[iensis] Arch[ideaconati] apud oxon[iensem] die mercurij
viz. [videlicet] xxvjto. die mensis Augusti Anno d[omi]ni 1556 ac
p[er] nos approbatum et insumatu[m] necnon pro
vero valore eiusdem l[egi]time pronu[n]ciatu[m] Comissaq[ue]
fuit et est administr[an]d[o] o[mni]um et sing[u]loru[m] bonorum
dict[orum] iuriu[m] catalloru[m] et creditoru[m] dict[i] Robertum
defunctu[m] et eius Testamentu[m] qual[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] co[n]cernen[tium]
de b[e]n[e] et fidel[ite]r administrando eadem ac soluennt[ur]
debita et legata eiusdem def[uncti] ac dictum Testame[n]tu[m]
p[er]implendo Will[ia]mo Bucknore et Dorothee eins
uxori executoribus in dict[i] Testamento no[m]i[n]at[ur]
in forma iur[i]s iurat[e] Saluo iure cuiuscumq[ue]
ac p[er] eosdem admiss[e] et accept[e]/
It was proved, this testament by Robert
Huckvale of the parish of the blessed Marie Magdalene in
the suburb of the County of Oxford while he lived, recently deceased, by the presents
attached, before us Walter Wryght doctor of laws,
vicar general in spiritual matters of the
Reverend father and lord in Christ, lord Robert, by divine permission,
Bishop of Oxford, and also
Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Oxford, at Oxford, on the day of Mercury [Wednesday]
namely 26th day of the month of August Anno Domini 1556 and
through us approved and registered and also for
the true value of the same, lawfully declared, and the administration
was and is commited of all and singular the said
goods rights chattels and debts of the said deceased
Robert and concerning his Testament by whatever means,
the same to be well and faithfully administered and
the debts and legacy of the same deceased and said Testament shall be paid,
to be fulfilled by William Bucknore and Dorothee his
wife named executors in the said Testament,
sworn in the form of the law, preserving the right of anyone,
and through the same admitted and accepted.
William Underehill - Newbolde Revell, Warwickshire - 1570
Probatum fuit suprascriptu[m] testamentu[m] Coram Mag[ist]ro Waltero Haddon Legum Doctore Curie Prerogative Cant[uariensis] Comissar[io]
apud London Decimo die mensis Aprilis Ao. Dmi. Mill[es]imo Quingen[tesim]o Septuagesimo Juramento Thome Callowe personal[ite]r p[rese]ntis et Johannis
Shirley et Roberte Brokesbye in persona dicte Thome executor[um] Quibus comissa fuit admi[ni]straco bonor[um] etc De bene etc Ac de
pleno et fideli Inven[ta]rio etc exhibend[o] Necnon de plano comp[ut]o etc reddend[o] Ad Sancta dei Ev[a]ngelia Jurat
The above written testament has been proven before Master Walter Haddon Doctor of Laws Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
at London on the Tenth day of the month of April Anno Domini One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy By the oath of Thomas Callowe personally present and John Shirley and Robert Brokesbye executors To whom was commited administration of the goods etc well etc And of
a full and faithful Inventory etc to be produced And also of a clear calculation etc to be returned Sworn Upon the Holy Gospels of god
Richarde Bruse - Hayforde ad pontem, Oxfordshire - 1570
Dicesimo septimo die mens[i]s Octobris Anno d[omi]ni
millesimo Quingentesimo Septuagesimo Et KRS [carissimus]
Elizabeth Anno duidecimo in Ecc[le]sia parochiali
o[mn]i[u]m Sanctoru[m] C[o]mitatis oxon inter horas decimaus
et undecimaus antemeridiem eiusdem diei coram ven[er]abili
viro Mag[ist]ro Joh. Kennall legum doctore Archi[deacon]tus
oxon Arch[idiac]ino comparint p[er]sonal[ite]r Jana Bruse
executrixe in Testamento Ricardi Bruse de
Hayforde ad pontem nup[er] def[uncti] no[m]i[n]ata et propter [a]es
alienu[m] in quo prefatus de tempore mort[i]s sue obnoxius
et indebitatus fuit renuncianit oneri et execuco[ri]
eiusdem petiitq[ue] l[ite]ras administraco[n]is bonoru[m] dicti
Ric[ard]i eius mariti def[uncti] sibi comitti ad cuius petico[n]em
Idem ven[er]abilis vir Archidiaconus antedictus ad
specialem rogatum dicte Jane renunciant[i]s hui[ism]o[d]i
decreuit dictas l[ite]ras administracois bonoru[m] antedicti
Ricardi def[uncti] eidem Jane committend[is] pro ut statim
easdem commisit de bene et fidel[ite]r administrando
eadem ac soluendo debita et legata eiusdem
def[uncti] ac dictu[m] Testamentu[m] p[er]implendo iuxta vires
Inventarij bonoru[m] iuriu[m] catalloru[m] et creditoru[m]
dicti Ric[ard]i Bruse def[uncti] fidel[ite]r confecti ac predictam
Janam administratricem exhibiti ad Sancta dei
evangelia primitus iurat Saluo iure cuiuscu[m]q[ue]
ac per eandem Janam admiss et accept ./.
The seventeenth day of the month of October Anno domini
one thousand five hundred seventy And the most beloved
Elizabeth the twelfth year in the Church of the parish
of All Saints of the County of Oxford, between the tenth
and eleventh hours before noon of the same day, before the venerable
Master John Kennall doctor of laws Archdeacon
of the Archdeanery of Oxford, Jane Bruse appeared personally,
named executrix in the Testament of Richard Bruse of
Hayford at bridge, recently deceased, and because of the debts
which the aforesaid owed and was owed at the time of his death,
requested renounciation of the burden and execution
of the same and the letters of the administration of the goods of the said
Richard her deceased husband were comitted to herself on account of which petition.
The same venerable Archdeacon aforesaid on account of
the special request of renounciation by the said Jane likewise
declared the said letters of administration of the goods of the aforesaid
deceased Richard, which are to be committed to the same Jane, in order that she properly
committed at the same time, the same to be well and faithfully
administered and the debts and legacies of the same deceased
and the said Testament to be paid by virtue
of an Inventory of the goods, rights, chattells and loans
of the said deceased Richard Bruse having been prepared and presented
by the aforesaid administratrix Jane, sworn in the first place
upon the Holy gospels of god, Preserving the right of anyone and
admitted and accepted by the same Jane ./.
Christopher Huckvalle - Overnorton, Oxfordshire - 1577
Probatum erat hoc Testamentu[m] cora[m] nobis
Thoma Yale legius doctore Sedit Archepiscopal[i]s
Cantuarien[is] officiali l[egi]time constitu[i]t decimo septimo
dei mensis Augusti Anno d[omi]mi 1577 ac p[er] nos appro
bat[ur] et insumat[ur] ac pro vero valore eiusdem l[egi]time
pronu[n]ciat[um] Comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er] nob[is] Administra[ndo]
o[mn]iu[m] et sing[u]loru[m] bonoru[m] dict[i] defunct[i] et eius Testa
ment[um] qual[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] concernen[tium] executrici eadem
no[mi]nat[ur] in p[er]sona Wyll[ia]m Shawe apparitoris procura
toris eius in forma iuris iurat[e] Saluo iure
cuiuscu[m]q[ue] ac p[er] eande[m] admiss[e] et accept[e].
It was proved, this Testament before us
Thomas Yale doctor of laws Sat as the lawfully appointed
official of the Archbishopric of Canterbury the seventeenth
day of the month of August Anno Domini 1577 and through us
approved and registered and for the true value of the same, lawfully
declared, and the Adminstration was and is Commited through us
of all and singular the goods of the said deceased and concerning
his Testament by whatever means, to be fulfilled by the execurix
of the same, this sworn in the form of the law, in person, by Wylliam Shawe
official agent, preserving the right
of anyone, and through the same admitted and accepted.
Jane Bruce - Nether Hayforde, Oxfordshire - 1590
Probatu[m] erat hoc Testamentu[m] Cora[m] ven[erab]li viro
milone Leighe in L[egibus] Bacc[alari]o Substitut[o] ven[erab]lis viri
Joh[ann]is Drewry legu[m] doctoris vicarij in Sp[irit]ualibus
gen[er]alis et Officialis Principalis Reverendi in
[Christ]o p[at]ris ac d[omi]ini d[omi]ni Joh[ann]is p[er]missione d[ivi]na Oxon
E[pisco]pi auc[torita]te L[egi]tima C[o]ns[tituto] Apud Oxon viz: Tertio
die mensis Novemb[ris] Anno d[omi]ni 1590 ac p[er] nos
app]ro]bat[ur] ac Insumat[ur] ac p[ro] vero valore eiusde[m] L[egi]time
p[ro]nu[n]ciat[um] Comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er] nos administra[ndo]
om[n]ium et singulor[um] bonor[um] dict[i] def[uncti] et eius
test[amentum] q[ua]l[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] concernen[tium] execut[oris] in eode[m] no[min]at[ur]
In forma iuris iurat[e] Saluo iure cuiuscu[m]q[ue]
It was proved, this Testament Before the venerable
Miles Leighe Bachelor of Laws substitute for the venerable
John Drewry doctor of laws vicar general in Spiritual
matters and lawfully appointed
the warranted Principal Official of the Reverend
father and lord in Christ, lord John, by divine permission, Bishop
of Oxford At Oxford that is to say the Third
day of the month of November Anno domini 1590 and through us
approved and registered and for the true value of the same, lawfully
declared, and the administration was and is commited through us
of all and singular the goods of the said deceased and concerning her
testament by whatever means to the executor names in the same
Sworn in the form of the law and preserving the right of anyone
Nicholas Austen - Banbury, Oxfordshire - 1613
Vicesimo septimo die mens[i]s Julij Anno Domini millesimo
sexcentisimo decimo tertio Emanavit Commissio Johanni Austen et Thome Webbe supervisor
nominatis in testamento sive ultima voluntate predict[a] ad administrac[io]ne[m] bona Jura et credita
dicti Defuncti iuxta tenorem et effectum testamenti sive ultime voluntatis predicti def[eren]s
Durante minori Etate Willi[a]m Austen et Abigalis Awsten liberorum ?alium et l[egi]t[i]mo[r]u[m]
dicti Defuncti et executorum in eodem testamento nominat[ur] de bene xc Jurat ./~/.
The twenty seventh day of the month of July Anno Domini one thousand
six hundred and thriteen The Commission Issued to John Austen and Thomas Webb named
overseers in the testament or last will aforesaid the administration of the goods rights and loans
of the said Deceased according to the manner and effect of the testament or last will aforesaid with regard to
duration of the minority ages of William Austen and Abigaie Awsten ? ? and legitimate heirs
the said Deceased and named executors in the same testament Sworn well etc.
Arthure Huckvale - Wigginton, Oxfordshire - 1634
Probatu[m] erat hoc testam[en]tu[m] apud Oxon
tertio die mensis Novembris Anno
D[omi]ni 1634 cora[m] ven[erabi]li viro Edro.
Willson Sacre Theologie Bacc[alari]o ven[erabi]lis viri
Richardi Louch legum d[o]c[t]oris Reuerendi
[Chris]to p[at]ris ac d[omi]ni d[omi]ni Johannis p[er]missione
d[ivi]na Oxon Ep[iscop]i vicarii in Sp[irit]ualibus gen[era]lio et
Officialis princ[ipa]lis l[egi]time constituti Ac per
eu[m] approbatu[m] et insumatu[m] p[ro]q[ue] vero valore et
validitate eiusd[em] l[egi]time p[ro]nunciatu[m] comissaq[ue]
fuit et est p[er] eu[m] ad[ministrand]o &c eiusq[ue] testam[entum]
qual[ite]rcunq[ue] concernen[tium] W[illia]mo Bruce et
Abigael Austin executorib[us] in eod[em] testam[entum]
no[m]i[n]atis In forma iuris iurat[e] saluo iure
It was proved, this testament, at Oxford
the third day of the month of November Anno
Domini 1634 before the venerable Edward
Willson Bachelor of Sacred Theology of the venerable
Richard Louch doctor of laws,
vicar general in spiritual matters and
lawfully appointed principal Official
of the Reverend
father and lord in Christ, lord John, by divine
permission, Bishop of Oxford, And through
this it was approved and registered and for the true value and
validity of the same, lawfully declared, and the administration
was and is commited, etc. and concerning his
testament by whatever means, to William Bruce and
Abigael Austin named executors in the same testament
Sworn in the form of the law and preserving the right
of anyone.
Cuthberte Huckvale - Overnorton, Oxfordshire - 1637
Probatu[m] erat hoc Test[ament]um apud
Chiping Norton in Visitaco[n]e d[omi]ni
Archi[diaco]ni Oxon[iensis] ib[ide]m tento 13 Aprilis
coram ven[erab]li viro Egidio Sivert L[egum]
d[o]c[t]ore ac d[omi]mi Archi[diaco]ni Archi[deaco]nato oxon[iensis]
Offi[cia]le princ[ipa]le l[egi]time constituto &c
Commis[a fuit] ad[ministrac]e &c eiusq[ue] Test[ament]um qual[ite]r
cu[m]q[ue] conc[er]nen[tium] Alicie Rel[ict]re et Ex[ecu]t[r]is &c
in forma Juris iurat[e] saluo Jure cuiuscu[m]q[ue]
It was proved, this Testament, at
Chipping Norton in a Visitation of the lord
Archdeacon of Oxford held in the same place 13 April
before the venerable Giles Sivert doctor
of Laws and legally appointed principal
Official of the Archdeacon of the Archdeanery of Oxford etc.
Administration was committed etc. and concerning his Testament
by whatever means, to Alice Widow and Executrix etc.
sworn in the form of the law, preserving the right of anyone
Jane Vnderhill - Crimscott, Warwickshire - 1648
Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum
apud London coram venerabili viro Domino Nathaniele Brent milite legum doctore
Curiae Prerogat[ive] magistro sive Custode legitime constituto vicesimo septimo die, mensis Januarii
Anno Domini (iuxta computacaem ecclesia Anglicana) millesimo, sexcentesimo quadra[gesi]mo
octavo Juramento Johannis Vnderhill filii dicte defuncte et executoris in huiusmodi testam[en]to
nominati Cuicomissa fuit administraco omnium et singulorum bonorum, iurium et creditoru[m]
dicte defuncte De bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad sancta Dei evangelia
vigore Comiss[io]nis in eaparte alias emanata Jurat/ Extur
The above written Testament has been proven
at London before the venerable Sir Nathaniele Brent doctor of laws
master or warden of the Prerogative Court lawfully constituted on the twenty seventh day, of the month of January
Anno Domini (calculated according to the Anglican church) one thousand six hundred and forty
eight By the oath of John Vnderhill son of the said deceased and the executor named in this testament
to whom was commited the administration of all and singular the goods, rights and loans
of the said deceased The same to be administered well and faithfully sworn upon the holy gospels of God
by the power of the commission on the part of another by the law.
The research, creations and story of Nicholas de Estleche dictus le Tardif, a resident of the Kingdom of Drachenwald, in Insulae Draconis, within the Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA).
Thursday, 3 October 2019
On Latin Probates of Wills
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