Saturday, 26 September 2020

Will of Roberte Huckvale - Oxford, Oxfordshire - 1553

 The will of Roberte Huckvale (-c.1555) of Oxford, Oxfordshire, husband to Elynore nee Carycke, father to Christophere and Dorothie (married to Wyllyam Bucknore), Gentleman. He is my 12th great-grandfather. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index 1516-1857; 181.37; Oxfordshire Archives

Registered Will:

            Testamentum Roberti Huckvale p[ar]och[ialis] b[ea]te Marie
            Magdalene c initats oxon
In dei noie amen the xxii daye of Aprill in the yere of our Lorde god a thousande
fyve hundred fyftie and three and in the sixte yere of the reigne of our
Soveraigne Lorde Edwarde the syxte by the grace of god kynge of England
France and Irelande defender of the faith and in parth under god of the
churche of England and of Ireland supreame heed I Roberte Huckvale of the
Citie and Diocese of Oxforde, in the Countie of Oxford gent the daye of making
hereof beyng hole of memorie and allso of bodie thanks be gyven therfore
to allmyghtie god doo conscibute and make this my last wyll and testamint
in maner and forme following Fyrst I doo bequeth my sowle to allmyghty
god & blessed ladie saynte Marie the mother of Christe Jesu and to all
the holly cumpanye of heaven and my bodie to be buryed within the
parisshe churche of blessed Marie Magdalene with owte the northe
gate of the Citie of Oxford before the quire doore and in the bodie of the same
churche and next unto the grave where the bodie of Elynore my wyffe
lyith there buryed and I doo gyve and bequeth unto the Cathedrall
churche of the said Diocese of Oxford for tythes forgotton vid And to
fyve poore men the daye of my buryall to be gyven fyve pence in the
honor of the fyve wounds of Christe Jesu and the same day of my death
and at my buryall to have suche service in the said parisshe churche
of blessed Marie Magdalene as then shalbe permitted by the lawes
of god and the kyngs Maties. ordinnaes in the same churche with all
other prayours, services and suffrages as then shalbe permitted and used
in everie churche for sowles departed owte of this presente and transitery
lyffe The vicar and Curate of the said parisshe churche of Marie
Magdalene then praying for my sowle and all christen sowles to
have for his paynes xiid beside thoffering penye And to fyve other
preists if they maye then be had xxd eny preiste iiijd there to singe
or praye in the quire for my sowle and all christian sowles, To syxe
poore childer to helpe in the quire vjd The clerke of the churche viijd
And to the ringars of the bells vjd And in the tyme of my departing
owte of this worlde and presente lyffe one bell to be tolled before
my death a good whyle and lykewyse after my death that sume
good people may praye for my sowle to allmyghtie god to take it to
his mercye And the bell may of the Citie of Oxford goyng abouate
to induce the people and to putte theym in remembrannce to pray
lylewyse when I am departed and dead vjd and to a poore man
to make my grave iiijd And allso I wyll that on the daye of my
buryall shalbe dealed and gyven in almes syx dosen of whyte
bredde to poore people at home at their howses dwelling within
the said parisshe of Marie Magdalene where moste nede is or els
syx shillings in money by the discretion of myne executors and to
other as farre as it wyll goo with other charitable werks as
shalbe thought best by the discretion of my executors and of their
executors at my buryall monethes mynde and at my yeres mynde
or anniversarie in the fyrste yere after my death And after the fyrst
yere I wyll that once in the yere my anniversarie to be kept by
the space of fyftene yeres with lyke service in the churche almys and
distributions to poore people the daye that I was quicke and dead
the daye before or the daye after yerely duryng the said xv yeres
to be hadd and donne by my executors yf the lawes of allmightie
god and the kyngs graces lawes and ordinincs wyll & mytte the same
to be had and donne in maner and forme as is aforesaid So that
thirtene shillings four pence in money be gyven bestowed and
applyed yerely once in the yere at the said Anniversarie in the
service of the churche almes deades and other charitable werkes

by the discretion of my executors duryng the foresaid xv yeres And yf suche service
in the churche distributions and almes dedes to be donne at the said Anniversarie
now lykewyse any anniversarie or yeres mynde in eny churche for sowles Aepled
can not be permytted to be donne by the kyngs graces ordinnities and lawes
That I wyll then the said xiijs iiijd to be distributed and applyed in allmes
yerely to poore people and converted in to other charitable werks and
dedes by the discretion of myne executors the daye as is above rehersed for
the weale of my sowle and for prayour to be said for my sowle and all Christian
sowles duryng the said xv yeres in any place where my executors to poore
people or otherwise shall thincke best to be donne And to warde all whiche
chargies and yerely distributions to be had and donne for my sowls health
I wyll that the yeres that shalbe then to cume and not ended of the leasse
of my howse which I dwell in Magdalene parisshe by Oxford and within the
hundred of Northgate Strete withowte the northgate of the Citie of Oxforde
belonging to Magdalene College in Oxford after my death shall be
solde to some honest persons to inhabite in the same as I have longe done and
the money that shalbe receaved for the same leasse after it is solde by
my executors yf I my selffe doo not sell and departe with the same in
my lyffe tyme, shalbe applyed to warde the charges of my said anniversarye
and yeres mynde, or fowarde other cheritable dedes as is aforesaid for
the exoneracon of my heires and executors of the same as farre as it wyll
extende And the rest of the said charges to be borne and payed yerelye
duryng the said xv yeres by my heires and my executors in maner
and for me followinge wherof I wyll that my executors shall receave
yerely to be payed to theym and to their assignes by the hands off my
remite or remits owte of my lande by Stroudewater in the Conntie
of Gloucester yerely of the foresaid xiijs iiijd to be applyed to the
performance of this my laste wyll duryng the said fyftene yeres eny
yere syxe shillings and eight pence and my executors other syxe shillings
and eight pence indifferently to be borne betwein my heires and my
executors and by their heires and their executors after their deathe
And as towchinge all my lands and tenements in the countie off
Gloucester I doo dye seased of theym to thintente to cast a niste and
a trewe possession to my sonne and heire Christophere Huckvale and
to his heires And I wyll that after my death the same Christophere
shall enioye all suche Annuities yerely for terme of his lyffe
wherin I have made hym Ioynte patent withine And as towching
all my moveable goods I doo gyve theym and bequeth theym to
Wyllyam Bucknore and Dorothie my dowghter of Cumnore in the
Countie of Berks besydes my legacies, except all suche goods as
I the said Roberte Huckvale shall gyve awaye with myne owne hands
and assigne to my children and other of my frends as legacies And
I the said Roberte Huckvale doo constitute and make the said
Wyllyam Bucknore and Dorothie my dowghter my trew and faithfull
executore and executrix to perfourme this my testamente and last
wyll and to do for my sowle And I wyll that Margaret Dewe
my Se[rv]unte shall have all suche her small stuffe of houshold as
she hath within my house with her apparell yf anye suche stuffe be
And I do bequeth unto her my best mattresse a coverlett a
bolster and a paire of sheets besyds suche rayment of myne as
I shall delyver with myne owne hands And where as my brother
Richard Carricke of Chepingnorton is indetted unto me in the

sume of vjli vjs as in the right of my wyfee Elinor his syster yf Richarde
Carycke of Tewksbury doo well and trewly delyver to Thomas Carycke
of the same Towne his nevye at the setting up of his occupations xls
that then I doo remytte the said Richarde Carricke my brother and
his executors of all the said xjli xjs viijd of rent beyng to me dew
unpayed In wytnesse wherof to this my laste wyll and testament
I the said Roberte Huckvale have putt my seale and wrytten this
with myne owne hande the day and yere abovesaid These beyng
wytnesses Mr Bryttylbanke vicar there Wyllyam Lannder
Thomas Dugdale and Abell Smyth the day & yere abovesaid
And after this the said Roberte Huckvale in his lyffe tyme the
daye of marche in the seconde and thirde yere of Philippe and Marie
by the grace of god kynge and quene of England France Naples
Jerusalem and Irelande defenders of the faith princies of Spayne
and Sicill Archdukes of Ausrygge and Brabant Countesses off
Haspurge Flannders and Tyroll callyng before hym for farder
wytnesse of this my Testamente James Dodwell John Toldervye
hedyll and Roberte Jakson as wytnesses to this his laste wyll And
farther I wyll that John Bucknore and John Huckvale my childers
chylder shalbe and I doo conscitute and make theym trew overseers
of this my last wyll and Testamente and to call upon myne executor
executrix within wrytten for the perfourmance of this my laste
wyll and John Huckvale my sonne Christophere Huckvales sunne
and John Bucknore my dawghter Dorothie Bucknores sune do have
for their paynes the two Joyned tabulls standing in my hall
Christopher Huckvale the gylt table with the kyngs armes of
England paynted and gylt and John Buckenore the other ioyned
table there and eny one of theym a gowne of myne owne wawinge
furred or lyned by the discretion of my executor and executrix
within wrytten and the churchewardens of the parisshe churche
of Blessed Marie Magdalene yerely for the tyme beyng duryng
the said xv yeres after my deceasse to have yerely to theym payed
by the hands of my heires and my executor and executrixe
the daye of my anniversarye and yeres mynde two shillings that is
to saye xijd to the use of the parisshe churche of Marie Magdalene
and zijd for the churche wardens for their owne uses and
for their paynes to remembre the said Anniversarie yerely
duryng the said xv yeres after my decesasse which two shillings
so bequethyd shalbe parte and parcell of the xiijs iijd before
recited within this my Testamente And the rest of the said
xiijs iiijd which is xjs iiijd to be bestowed and applyed toward
the chargies of my annivsarie and yeres mynde yerely in the
service of allmyghtie god and in almys to poore people of the said
parisshe of Mari Magdalene as is within rehersed in this
my testamente and laste wyll and I the said Roberte
Huckvale wyll that all this wrytten and recited before in
the backsyde of this my Testamente to be p[ar]cell of this my
last wyll
            p[er] me Robertu[m] Huckvale mann ppa/
        Probatu[m] erat hoc Testamentu[m] Roberti
        Huckvale p[ar]och[ialis] b[ea]te Marie Magdalene in

        suburbiis C[o]mitat[is] oxon dum vixit nup[er] def[uncti] p[rese]ntibus
        annex coram nobis Waltero Wryght legum doctore
        R[everen]di in chr[ist]o p[at]ris ac d[omi]ni domini Roberti p[er]missione di[vin]a
        oxon. Ep[iscop]i vicario in sp[irit]ualib[us] generali necnon
        Arch[idiacono] oxon[iensis] Arch[ideaconati] apud oxon[iensem] die mercurij
        viz. [videlicet] xxvjto. die mensis Augusti Anno d[omi]ni 1556 ac
        p[er] nos approbatum et insumatu[m] necnon pro
        vero valore eiusdem l[egi]time pronu[n]ciatu[m] Comissaq[ue]
        fuit et est administr[an]d[o] o[mni]um et sing[u]loru[m] bonorum
        dict[orum] iuriu[m] catalloru[m] et creditoru[m] dict[i] Robertum
        defunctu[m] et eius Testamentu[m] qual[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] co[n]cernen[tium]
        de b[e]n[e] et fidel[ite]r administrando eadem ac soluennt[ur]
        debita et legata eiusdem def[uncti] ac dictum Testame[n]tu[m]
        p[er]implendo Will[ia]mo Bucknore et Dorothee eins
        uxori executoribus in dict[i] Testamento no[m]i[n]at[ur]
        in forma iur[i]s iurat[e] Saluo iure cuiuscumq[ue]
        ac p[er] eosdem admiss[e] et accept[e]/

        It was proved, this testament of Robert
        Huckvale of the parish of the blessed Marie Magdalene in
        the suburb of the County of Oxford while he lived, recently deceased, by the presents
        attached, before us Walter Wryght doctor of laws,
        vicar general in spiritual matters of the
        Reverend father and lord in Christ, lord Robert, by divine permission,
        Bishop of Oxford, and also
        Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Oxford, at Oxford, on the day of Mercury [Wednesday]
        namely 26th day of the month of August Anno Domini 1556 and
        through us approved and registered and also for
        the true value of the same, lawfully declared, and the administration
        was and is commited of all and singular the said
        goods rights chattels and debts of the said deceased
        Robert and concerning his Testament by whatever means,
        the same to be well and faithfully administered and
        the debts and legacy of the same deceased and said Testament shall be paid,   
        to be fulfilled by William Bucknore and Dorothee his
        wife named executors in the said Testament,
        sworn in the form of the law, preserving the right of anyone,
        and through the same admitted and accepted.

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