Thursday, 1 October 2020

Will of Christopher Huckvalle - Overnorton, Oxfordshire - 1577

The will of Christopher Huckvalle (-July 1577) of Over Norton, Oxfordshire, Gentleman. He is my 11th great-grandfather. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index 1516-1857; 185.468; Oxfordshire Archives

Registered Will:
        Testamentu[m] Christopheri Hucvalle de
        Overnorton in com. Oxon generosi

        Testament of Christopher Hucvalle of
        Overnorton in the County of Oxford gentleman

In the name of god Amen the xxiijth daye of Julye Anno Dmi 1577 I
Christopher Huckvalle of Ov[er]norton in the countie of Oxon gentelman
beinge sycke of bodye but of good and parfyet remebrance thanks
be to god, do ordayne and make this my last wyll and testa
ment in manner and forme Followinge Revokinge all Former
wylls heretofore by me made Fyrst I bequeathe my soule to the
handes of almightie god my saviour and redemer by whose merytts
I truste to be saved and my bodye to be buryed within the church of
Chepingnorton Imprimis I give and bequeathe unto Christes
Church in Oxon xijd Itm I give and bequeathe unto the
poore people of Chepingnorton xs in monie Itm I give &
bequeathe unto to the poore people of Overnorton to everye cotiger iiijd
Itm my mynde and wyll is and allso I give and bequeathe unto
my lovinge wyffe Anne Huckvalle my detts beinge payed and
my Funeralls dyscharged all my goodes and cattalls moveable
and immoveable, whatsoever I have monies and debts wherin I make
my full executrixe of this my last wyll and testament for her
better preferment of lyainge In wytnes hereof I have hereunto
sett my hande and seale geven the daye and yeare above wryten
in the presents of these persons whose names are underwryten
by me Christopher Huckvalle     Richarde Busbye     by me Thomas

    Probatum erat hoc Testamentu[m] cora[m] nobis
    Thoma Yale legius doctore Sedit Archepiscopal[i]s
    Cantuarien[is] officiali l[egi]time constitu[i]t decimo septimo
    dei  mensis Augusti Anno d[omi]mi 1577 ac p[er] nos appro
    bat[ur] et insumat[ur] ac pro vero valore eiusdem l[egi]time
    pronu[n]ciat[um] Comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er] nob[is] Administra[ndo]
    o[mn]iu[m] et sing[u]loru[m] bonoru[m] dict[i] defunct[i] et eius Testa
    ment[um] qual[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] concernen[tium] executrici eadem
    no[mi]nat[ur] in p[er]sona Wyll[ia]m Shawe apparitoris procura
    toris eius in forma iuris iurat[e] Saluo iure
    cuiuscu[m]q[ue] ac p[er] eande[m] admiss[e] et accept[e].

    It was proved, this Testament before us
    Thomas Yale doctor of laws Sat as the lawfully appointed
    official of the Archbishopric of Canterbury the seventeenth
    day of the month of August Anno Domini 1577 and through us
    approved and registered and for the true value of the same, lawfully
    declared, and the Adminstration was and is Commited through us
    of all and singular the goods of the said deceased and concerning
    his Testament by whatever means, to be fulfilled by the execurix
    of the same, this sworn in the form of the law, in person, by Wylliam Shawe
    official agent, preserving the right
    of anyone, and through the same admitted and accepted.


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