Saturday, 24 October 2020

Will of Jane Bruce - Nether Hayforde, Oxfordshire - 1589

The will of Jane Bruce (-c.1589) of Nether Hayforde, Oxfordshire, husband to Richard Bruce, maiden name currently unknown. Jane is my 11th great-grandmother. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; Original & Registered Wills; 188.119; 3/2/78; Oxfordshire Archives

ye will of Jane
Bruce ye elder
In the name of god Amen the thirtieth day of Junij in the yere of the lord 1589, I Jane Bruce of nether hayforde in the Countie
of Oxon widow, being in good health and perfecte remembrannce (I give most hartye thankes to god my heavenly father for it)
do mak and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in maner and forme folowing, first I give and bequeath my soule in to
the handes of god who gave it me, and by the death, and bloudshed of his sonne only hath redemmed me, from all my sinnes
And purchased me eternall life, after death, And this my weake, and frayel body to be buryed with in the parish church
of hayforde at bridge afore sayd,; I give and bequeath to the church of the same p[ar]ish vs - and towardes the reparing of the
Belles there, halfe a quarter of barley, It I give to every poor body dwelling in the same parish and having no plough going
or any corne growing of his owne; xijd, It I give to every one of my god childrene, vid It I give and bequeath to every
one of william Bruce his children, xiid, It I give to Jane Bruce the daughter of Thomas Bruce one parre of
shetes, It I give and release to John Bruce my husbndes Brother all the debtes and especyalityes that are betwixt him and
me, It I give and bequeath to henry lamleyes children sixe shepe to be equallye devided amongest them, And I give to
henry lamlye himselfe l s, It I will that these sixe shepe which I have given to henry lamleyes children shalbe
to those children w[hi]ch nowe he hath by this wif; It I give unto the children of Jane Crose which she now hath by
this man, sixe whepe, at the distcretion of my exe[c]utor, and my will & pleasure is that these shepe given to the children
of henry lamley and Jane Crose be delivered unto them after my departur when they be new shorne at the discretion
of my executor, It I give unto Jane Samon one fether bede two parre of shettes a boulster and a Coverlit and a
great worte pane, It I give unto Thomas Samon iiij shepe to be delivered within one yere after my death It I give
and bequeath unto Abigale Samon ij shep and ij parre of shettes, the third fether bede one boulster and a Coverlit,
the same to be payd unto here at the daye of her mariage or at the age of xxi yeres which of them shall first happen
It I give unto henry Samon ij shepe my second poote one pare of shetes, and ayerlinge calfe, It I give to Ryc Samon one
parre of shetes; It I give to John Samon ij shepe and unto Robert Samon ij shep and my will is that yf any of
my sonne Robert Samons Children to whom I have givene any thinge dye before they have received my giftes that then ye
giftes by me givene and bequeathed unto them shall remayne and be given unto the longest liver of him her or them,
It I give unto Abigale the Daughter of my sonne william Bruce, x shep, one terlinge Calfe, and a Cowe the same
to be delivered unto her at the daye of her mariage or when she shall come to the age of xxi yeres yf that shall first
happene but yf she dye before either of these tymes then the legacyes shall redonnde to my executor , It I give to
William Bruce the sonne of my sonne william Bruce, my part of the best fether bede in the house being a bed of downe
one boulster, one bedsteade, one great poote, one parre of rackes, the great spite, the Bringe leade, one basine
with an uyer, the table and Cubbard w[hi]ch stand in the haule, provided alwayes; that non of those thinges w[hi]ch I have
given to william Bruce my sonnes sonne, being thinges in the house, and necessary for the house, him and his, as the lead, the
the table & cubard in the hale, the rackes spitte the potte & bedstead or any other thinges w[hi]ch I have given unto
him, and nedfulle for him; shalbe du unto him nor yet removed out of the house before he come to the age of xxi yeres,
But yf he dye before he come to that age, then these thinges to him given and bequeathed shall redonnd unto my exe=
cutor It I give towardes the reparring of the Bridge halfe a quarter of barleye, It I give to phillipe vallance ij
strick of malt, & ij strickes of barleye, It I give unto ralfe Bruce ij strickes of malt, & ij strickes of barlye, It I give unto
william Samon ij shepe, all the rest of all my goodes and Chattelles both moveable and unmoveable, my debtes being payd
my funarall expences discharged and these legacies truly payd. I give and bequeath unto Robert Samon my sonne in law
whom I make my whole and alone executor of this last will and testament datted the daye and yere first above writen
I apoint to be overseeres. for the du p[er]formance of this my will, John martin the elder of Rowsham, and henry lamley, and
for their paynes I give them ijs vjd apesse, witnesse here unto,
                                Robert Boulton Clarke        By me Jane Bruce
                                Gabriell Merry                               her
                                Christopher Guye                  Jane _|_ Bruce
                                                                                      |    |
                                                                                      |    |

Probate from Registration:

Probatu[m] erat hoc Testamentu[m] Cora[m] ven[erab]li viro
milone Leighe in L[egibus] Bacc[alari]o Substitut[o] ven[erab]lis viri
Joh[ann]is Drewry legu[m] doctoris vicarij in Sp[irit]ualibus
gen[er]alis et Officialis Principalis Reverendi in
[Christ]o p[at]ris ac d[omi]ini d[omi]ni Joh[ann]is p[er]missione d[ivi]na Oxon
E[pisco]pi auc[torita]te L[egi]tima C[o]ns[tituto] Apud Oxon viz: Tertio
die mensis Novemb[ris] Anno d[omi]ni 1590 ac p[er] nos
app]ro]bat[ur] ac Insumat[ur] ac p[ro] vero valore eiusde[m] L[egi]time
p[ro]nu[n]ciat[um] Comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er] nos administra[ndo]
om[n]ium et singulor[um] bonor[um] dict[i] def[uncti] et eius
test[amentum] q[ua]l[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] concernen[tium] execut[oris] in eode[m] no[min]at[ur]
In forma iuris iurat[e] Saluo iure cuiuscu[m]q[ue]

It was proved, this Testament Before the venerable
Miles Leighe Bachelor of Laws substitute for the venerable
John Drewry doctor of laws vicar general in Spiritual
matters and lawfully appointed
the warranted Principal Official of the Reverend
father and lord in Christ, lord John, by divine permission, Bishop
of Oxford At Oxford that is to say the Third
day of the month of November Anno domini 1590 and through us
approved and registered and for the true value of the same, lawfully
declared, and the administration was and is commited through us
of all and singular the goods of the said deceased and concerning her
testament by whatever means to the executor names in the same
Sworn in the form of the law and preserving the right of anyone

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Inventory for the Probate of Cuthberte Huckvale - Overnorton, Oxfordshire - 1637

The inventory of Cuthberte Huckvale (c.1566-1636) of Over Norton, Oxfordshire, transcibed by myself. Cuthberte is my 9th great-grandfather. Unfortunately the tabs from my original transcription are ignored, which screws up the type-setting a bit.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857, Oxfordshire Archives, 31/4/28 

The Inventory of the goods and 00Cattalls of Cuthbert Huckvale of Overnorton in the parishe of Cheppingnorton in
the County of Oxon Gent late decessed as heard after followeth, vewed seene & prayssed by Wm Fletcher
& Rd Busbye of Overnorton aforesayde, the 25 daye of the month of March in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand
five sixe hundred & thirtie seven, & in the 12 yeare of the Reigne of ouer Sovereigne Lord Charles By the grace of god kinge

    Inprimis three horsses prayssed att                    7    0    0
    Item five kine prayssed att                        10    0    0
    It three heavy foos prayssed att                        4    0    0
    It five Akars & a land of Wheate prayssed att                5    0    0
    It five akars of Barlye & hayssed att                    2    10    0
    It fowre akars of pease att                        2    0    0
    It three akers & three yeares of Oats prayssed att            1    5    0
    It three quarters of Barlye & ahalfe for feede prayssed at        3    10    0
    It grist Corne prayssed att                        1    6    8
    It one yron bound Carte one ploughe three harrows & horsegeares
    & one donge Carte & other Implements prayssed att            2    10    0
    It haye prayssed att                            2    13    0
    It one Sowe & piggs & fowre fluhinge of Backon prayssed att        2    0    0
    It fire woode & Cart timbber & plough timber prayssed att        1    0    0
    It one Scaffoulde with a littell fearne onit prayssed att            0    6    8
    It one furnes one malte mill & other Implements att            1    13    4
    It in the Chamber ouer the Buttrie one olde garner one dowgze
    kiuer & one shinninge wheele & olde yron n& other Implements    1    0    0
    It one morter & pestell & other brase prayssed att            1    10    0
    It two poots & three posnets prayssed att                1    0    0
    It one Wassor & kawer & other pewter prayssed att            0    5    0
    It three silver spoones prayssed att                    0    15    0
    It two peare of flaxen sheets & pillows prayssed att            0    13    0
    It eight peare of Coorse sheets & halfs a dossen of napkins &
    two table Clothes prayssed att                        1    10    0
    It one Cubberd in the hall one table one Cheyer one forme
    & two stooles with other Implements prayssed att            1    6    8
    It one yron barr & one olde yron beame for weighte three
    Spitts undievrs & other Implements prayssed att            0    10    0
    It Coopperie ware prayssed att                        0    6    0
    It two fether bedes two flaxbeds fowre pillowes fowre bowsters
    with Cowlids blankets & two bedsteeds prayssed att            5    0    0
    It two Chests two Coffers & a warmeinge pann att            0    10    0
    It his wearinge aparrell & boots & other Implements att            6    0    0
    It att Brayfes one table borde one beinh & waynescott & two
    joyne fooles one littell fettell & one shelfe & other Implements
    prayssed att                                0    6    8

                                Some is    67    7    0

                                Ex[ecutum] erat huioi[s] In[ventu]ri apud
                                Chi[p]pi[n]g[nor]ton in visitaco[n]e ib[ide]m dict[i] decimo
                                nono die mensi Aprilis 1637 p[er]
                                Alicia Huckvale Rel[i]c[t]am et Ex[ecut]rem &c
                                pro vero ac pleno In[ventu]rio &c sub p[ro]testat[one]
                                tamen de addendo &c q[uo]d si &c

                                It was executed, this Inventory at
                                Chipping Norton, in a visitation to the said place, on the
                                nineteenth day of the month April 1637 through
                                Alice Huckvale Widow and Executor etc.
                                for a true and full Inventory etc. under protestation
                                nevertheless about which is to be added

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Inventory for the Probate of Arthure Huckvale - Wigginton, Oxfordshire - 1634

The inventory for the probate of Arthur Huckvale (c.1560-1634) of Wigginton, Oxfordshire, Gentleman, husband to Alecia ex Bruce nee Stratford, step-father to William and Abigail Bruce (married to Nicholas Austen). He is not a direct ancestor and appears to have had no children of his own, but he is almost certainly the grandson of Christopher Huckvale, my 11th great-grandfather via another Huckvale line. Arthur, did however, marry Alecia, the widow of William Bruce (who died in July 1577, as a result of the Black Assizes of Oxford. William Bruce and Alecia are my 10th great-grandparents and Arthur left the residue of his estate to be split between his two step-children whom he also made executors. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; Registered Will; 199.21; 31/4/7; Oxfordshire Archives


     An Inventorie taken at wigginton in the
    Countie of Oxford of the goods & Chattells
    of Arthure Huckvale gent[leman] late of
    wigginton deceassed, the Seaventh day
    of October in the yeere of o[ur] lord 1634.
    & praysed by George Blount. Thomas
    Huckell John Croftes & Humfry Hall
                                                                                      £ . S . d
Imp[ri]mis all his wearinge aparrell                             x  - 0 - 0
Item in redy monies    _    _    _    _                            78 - ii - vj
Item one ioyne Bedsteede one ioyne Cubberd three
Chests two Coffers one litle box & one Chayre &
two litle Stooles    _    _    _    _                                    iiij - 0 - 0
Item two ffetherbeds one flock bed three
fether bolsters fine fether pillowes with valeure
& Cartagnes    _    _    _    _    _                                    10 - x - 0
Item ffine Couerlids seuen blankets & three Cushins   ii - vj - viij
Item fower gold rings one siluer thimble
and one siluer lacinge needle    _    _    _                      ii - x - 0
Item sixteene payre of sheets fine bord
of table napkins three pillowbeares    _    _                 vij - x - 0
Item one basen & ewer one other basen
two dozen of pewter platters seuen
Saucers eight perringers fower salt
sellers & two pewter Candlestickes    _    _                 ij - vj - viij
Item seuen brasen Candlestickes two
Chanernedishes one brzen flower pott    _    _             0 - xv - 0
Item all his bookes    _    _    _    _                               0 - xiij - iiij
Item one Iron barr one payre of
Andirons & diuerse other implements    _    _             j - 0 - 0
Item more in money due from mr
Parramore of Hoocknorton on
Michaelmas Day last past    _    _    _                        xiiij - 0 - 0
                                                                Total    _    128 - 14 - 2
George Blount:
Tho Huckell
John J Croftes
   his   marke.
Humfry H Hall
        his    marke/

Ex[ecu]tu[m] erat, hoc In[v]ent]uram apud Oxon Tertio
Die mensis Novembris Anno D[omi]ni 1634
p[er] W[illia]m Bruce et Abigal Austin ex[ecuto]res
testam[en]ti ac pro vero et perfecto In[vent]ure &c
sub p[ro]testato[n]e tamen de addendo &c quod si &c

It was executed, this Inventory at Oxford on the Third
Day of the month of November Anno Domini 1634
through William Bruce and Abigal Austin executors
of the testament and for the true and perfect Inventory etc.
under protestation nevertheless about which is to be added etc. which if etc.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Will of Arthure Huckvale - Wigginton, Oxfordshire - 1643

The will of Arthur Huckvale (c.1560-1634) of Wigginton, Oxfordshire, Gentleman, husband to Alecia ex Bruce nee Stratford, step-father to William and Abigail Bruce (married to Nicholas Austen). He is not a direct ancestor and appears to have had no children of his own, but he is almost certainly the grandson of Christopher Huckvale, my 11th great-grandfather via another Huckvale line. Arthur, did however, marry Alecia, the widow of William Bruce (who died in July 1577, as a result of the Black Assizes of Oxford. William Bruce and Alecia are my 10th great-grandparents and Arthur left the residue of his estate to be split between his two step-children whom he also made executors. Despite not havig any direct descendents, Arthur's will was a keystone in pulling together the relationships and parish records of the wide-ranging array of people to whom he left bequests. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; Registered Will; 199.21; 31/4/7; Oxfordshire Archives


Original Will:

In the name of god, Amen, The twelue day of march, in the
nynth yeere of the raigne of our Sou[er]aigne Lord
Charles [1633/4], Kinge of England Scotland, ffrance & Ireland kinge
defender of the fayth Ec I Arthure Huckvale of wigginton in
the County of Oxon gent[leman], beinge weake in body, but of good and
byfitt mynd & memorie (I thanke the lord) doe make & ordayne this
my last will & Testament in manner & forme as followeth Imprimis
I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie god, hopinge to be saued
onelie by the merits of Jesus christ And my body to be buried
in the Church of wigginton, Item I give unto the Church of wigginton
lix shillings & eight pence, Item I give unto the poore of wigginton
tenn shillings . Item I give unto the poore of Hoock Norton fforty
shillings . Item I give unto the poore of Nether hayford twentie shillings
Item I give towards the mayntenance of Heyford Bridge tenn shillings
Item I give & bequeath unto my Cosen William Bruce & his wife
fforty shillings, Item I give unto my daughter in law ffrancis Bruce
twentie shillings. Item I give unto my Cosen George Blount & his
wife six pounds thirteene shillings & eight pence, Item I give unto
William Blount the Bedstaede & the bed I lie on with all the
ffurniture hereto belonginge, & my presse, Item I give unto John
Blount fforty shillings, Item I give unto Marie Blount Hanna
Blount & Abigall Blount twentie shillings apeece, Item I give
& bequeath unto Samuel Lydiate & his wife tenn pounds, Item
I give unto Richard Lydiate three pounds, Iten I give unto william
Lydiate three pounds, Item I give unto Christopher Lydiate tenn
shillings, Item I give unto Abigall Lydiate & Ann Lydiate tenn
shillings apeece, Item I give & bequeath unto Thomas Huckell
& his wife fforty shillings . Item I give & bequeath unto my
Cosen Cuthberth Huckvale twentie shillings . Item I give
& bequeath unto my Cosen william Huckvale & his wife six
pounds thirteene shillings & eight pence, Item I give unto Thomas
Huckvale Richarde Huckvale & Marke Huckvale tenn shillings
a peece, Item I give unto William Austin & his wife three pounds
Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed/ Item I give unto
ffoulke maulcher & Thomas Baylies two shillings a peece, Item
I give unto Elizabeth Elener three shillings fower pence, Item
all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto my sonn william
Bruce, and to my daughter Abigall Austin, whome I make & appoint
to my sole executors of this my last will & Testament, In witnes
whereof I have hereunto set my hande the daye and yeere first
above written . / .
                Arthure H Huckvale
                       his         mark
witnes hereunto
George Blount
ffoulke Malcher
John Stranke

Probatu[m] erat hoc testam[en]tu[m] apud Oxon
tertio die mensis Novembris Anno
D[omi]ni 1634 cora[m] ven[erabi]li viro Edro.
Willson Sacre Theologie Bacc[alari]o ven[erabi]lis viri
Richardi Louch legum d[o]c[t]oris Reuerendi
[Chris]to p[at]ris ac d[omi]ni d[omi]ni Johannis p[er]missione
d[ivi]na Oxon Ep[iscop]i vicarii in Sp[irit]ualibus gen[era]lio et
Officialis princ[ipa]lis l[egi]time constituti Ac per
eu[m] approbatu[m] et insumatu[m] p[ro]q[ue] vero valore et
validitate eiusd[em] l[egi]time p[ro]nunciatu[m] comissaq[ue]
fuit et est p[er] eu[m] ad[ministrand]o xc eiusq[ue] testam[entum]
qual[ite]rcunq[ue] concernen[tium] W[illia]mo Bruce et
Abigael Austin executorib[us] in eod[em] testam[entum]
no[m]i[n]atis In forma iuris iurat[e] saluo iure

It was proved, this testament, at Oxford
the third day of the month of November Anno
Domini 1634 before the venerable Edward
Willson Bachelor of Sacred Theology of the venerable
Richard Louch doctor of laws,
vicar general in spiritual matters and
lawfully appointed principal Official
of the Reverend
father and lord in Christ, lord John, by divine
permission, Bishop of Oxford, And through
this it was approved and registered and for the true value and
validity of the same, lawfully declared, and the administration
was and is commited, etc. and concerning his
testament by whatever means, to William Bruce and
Abigael Austin named executors in the same testament
Sworn in the form of the law and preserving the right
of anyone.


Thursday, 1 October 2020

Will of Christopher Huckvalle - Overnorton, Oxfordshire - 1577

The will of Christopher Huckvalle (-July 1577) of Over Norton, Oxfordshire, Gentleman. He is my 11th great-grandfather. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index 1516-1857; 185.468; Oxfordshire Archives

Registered Will:
        Testamentu[m] Christopheri Hucvalle de
        Overnorton in com. Oxon generosi

        Testament of Christopher Hucvalle of
        Overnorton in the County of Oxford gentleman

In the name of god Amen the xxiijth daye of Julye Anno Dmi 1577 I
Christopher Huckvalle of Ov[er]norton in the countie of Oxon gentelman
beinge sycke of bodye but of good and parfyet remebrance thanks
be to god, do ordayne and make this my last wyll and testa
ment in manner and forme Followinge Revokinge all Former
wylls heretofore by me made Fyrst I bequeathe my soule to the
handes of almightie god my saviour and redemer by whose merytts
I truste to be saved and my bodye to be buryed within the church of
Chepingnorton Imprimis I give and bequeathe unto Christes
Church in Oxon xijd Itm I give and bequeathe unto the
poore people of Chepingnorton xs in monie Itm I give &
bequeathe unto to the poore people of Overnorton to everye cotiger iiijd
Itm my mynde and wyll is and allso I give and bequeathe unto
my lovinge wyffe Anne Huckvalle my detts beinge payed and
my Funeralls dyscharged all my goodes and cattalls moveable
and immoveable, whatsoever I have monies and debts wherin I make
my full executrixe of this my last wyll and testament for her
better preferment of lyainge In wytnes hereof I have hereunto
sett my hande and seale geven the daye and yeare above wryten
in the presents of these persons whose names are underwryten
by me Christopher Huckvalle     Richarde Busbye     by me Thomas

    Probatum erat hoc Testamentu[m] cora[m] nobis
    Thoma Yale legius doctore Sedit Archepiscopal[i]s
    Cantuarien[is] officiali l[egi]time constitu[i]t decimo septimo
    dei  mensis Augusti Anno d[omi]mi 1577 ac p[er] nos appro
    bat[ur] et insumat[ur] ac pro vero valore eiusdem l[egi]time
    pronu[n]ciat[um] Comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er] nob[is] Administra[ndo]
    o[mn]iu[m] et sing[u]loru[m] bonoru[m] dict[i] defunct[i] et eius Testa
    ment[um] qual[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] concernen[tium] executrici eadem
    no[mi]nat[ur] in p[er]sona Wyll[ia]m Shawe apparitoris procura
    toris eius in forma iuris iurat[e] Saluo iure
    cuiuscu[m]q[ue] ac p[er] eande[m] admiss[e] et accept[e].

    It was proved, this Testament before us
    Thomas Yale doctor of laws Sat as the lawfully appointed
    official of the Archbishopric of Canterbury the seventeenth
    day of the month of August Anno Domini 1577 and through us
    approved and registered and for the true value of the same, lawfully
    declared, and the Adminstration was and is Commited through us
    of all and singular the goods of the said deceased and concerning
    his Testament by whatever means, to be fulfilled by the execurix
    of the same, this sworn in the form of the law, in person, by Wylliam Shawe
    official agent, preserving the right
    of anyone, and through the same admitted and accepted.