Sunday, 4 October 2020

Will of Arthure Huckvale - Wigginton, Oxfordshire - 1643

The will of Arthur Huckvale (c.1560-1634) of Wigginton, Oxfordshire, Gentleman, husband to Alecia ex Bruce nee Stratford, step-father to William and Abigail Bruce (married to Nicholas Austen). He is not a direct ancestor and appears to have had no children of his own, but he is almost certainly the grandson of Christopher Huckvale, my 11th great-grandfather via another Huckvale line. Arthur, did however, marry Alecia, the widow of William Bruce (who died in July 1577, as a result of the Black Assizes of Oxford. William Bruce and Alecia are my 10th great-grandparents and Arthur left the residue of his estate to be split between his two step-children whom he also made executors. Despite not havig any direct descendents, Arthur's will was a keystone in pulling together the relationships and parish records of the wide-ranging array of people to whom he left bequests. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; Registered Will; 199.21; 31/4/7; Oxfordshire Archives


Original Will:

In the name of god, Amen, The twelue day of march, in the
nynth yeere of the raigne of our Sou[er]aigne Lord
Charles [1633/4], Kinge of England Scotland, ffrance & Ireland kinge
defender of the fayth Ec I Arthure Huckvale of wigginton in
the County of Oxon gent[leman], beinge weake in body, but of good and
byfitt mynd & memorie (I thanke the lord) doe make & ordayne this
my last will & Testament in manner & forme as followeth Imprimis
I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie god, hopinge to be saued
onelie by the merits of Jesus christ And my body to be buried
in the Church of wigginton, Item I give unto the Church of wigginton
lix shillings & eight pence, Item I give unto the poore of wigginton
tenn shillings . Item I give unto the poore of Hoock Norton fforty
shillings . Item I give unto the poore of Nether hayford twentie shillings
Item I give towards the mayntenance of Heyford Bridge tenn shillings
Item I give & bequeath unto my Cosen William Bruce & his wife
fforty shillings, Item I give unto my daughter in law ffrancis Bruce
twentie shillings. Item I give unto my Cosen George Blount & his
wife six pounds thirteene shillings & eight pence, Item I give unto
William Blount the Bedstaede & the bed I lie on with all the
ffurniture hereto belonginge, & my presse, Item I give unto John
Blount fforty shillings, Item I give unto Marie Blount Hanna
Blount & Abigall Blount twentie shillings apeece, Item I give
& bequeath unto Samuel Lydiate & his wife tenn pounds, Item
I give unto Richard Lydiate three pounds, Iten I give unto william
Lydiate three pounds, Item I give unto Christopher Lydiate tenn
shillings, Item I give unto Abigall Lydiate & Ann Lydiate tenn
shillings apeece, Item I give & bequeath unto Thomas Huckell
& his wife fforty shillings . Item I give & bequeath unto my
Cosen Cuthberth Huckvale twentie shillings . Item I give
& bequeath unto my Cosen william Huckvale & his wife six
pounds thirteene shillings & eight pence, Item I give unto Thomas
Huckvale Richarde Huckvale & Marke Huckvale tenn shillings
a peece, Item I give unto William Austin & his wife three pounds
Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed/ Item I give unto
ffoulke maulcher & Thomas Baylies two shillings a peece, Item
I give unto Elizabeth Elener three shillings fower pence, Item
all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto my sonn william
Bruce, and to my daughter Abigall Austin, whome I make & appoint
to my sole executors of this my last will & Testament, In witnes
whereof I have hereunto set my hande the daye and yeere first
above written . / .
                Arthure H Huckvale
                       his         mark
witnes hereunto
George Blount
ffoulke Malcher
John Stranke

Probatu[m] erat hoc testam[en]tu[m] apud Oxon
tertio die mensis Novembris Anno
D[omi]ni 1634 cora[m] ven[erabi]li viro Edro.
Willson Sacre Theologie Bacc[alari]o ven[erabi]lis viri
Richardi Louch legum d[o]c[t]oris Reuerendi
[Chris]to p[at]ris ac d[omi]ni d[omi]ni Johannis p[er]missione
d[ivi]na Oxon Ep[iscop]i vicarii in Sp[irit]ualibus gen[era]lio et
Officialis princ[ipa]lis l[egi]time constituti Ac per
eu[m] approbatu[m] et insumatu[m] p[ro]q[ue] vero valore et
validitate eiusd[em] l[egi]time p[ro]nunciatu[m] comissaq[ue]
fuit et est p[er] eu[m] ad[ministrand]o xc eiusq[ue] testam[entum]
qual[ite]rcunq[ue] concernen[tium] W[illia]mo Bruce et
Abigael Austin executorib[us] in eod[em] testam[entum]
no[m]i[n]atis In forma iuris iurat[e] saluo iure

It was proved, this testament, at Oxford
the third day of the month of November Anno
Domini 1634 before the venerable Edward
Willson Bachelor of Sacred Theology of the venerable
Richard Louch doctor of laws,
vicar general in spiritual matters and
lawfully appointed principal Official
of the Reverend
father and lord in Christ, lord John, by divine
permission, Bishop of Oxford, And through
this it was approved and registered and for the true value and
validity of the same, lawfully declared, and the administration
was and is commited, etc. and concerning his
testament by whatever means, to William Bruce and
Abigael Austin named executors in the same testament
Sworn in the form of the law and preserving the right
of anyone.


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