The will of Jane Bruce (-c.1589) of Nether Hayforde, Oxfordshire,
husband to Richard Bruce, maiden name currently unknown. Jane is my 11th great-grandmother. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; Original & Registered Wills; 188.119; 3/2/78; Oxfordshire Archives
ye will of Jane
Bruce ye elder
In the name of god Amen the thirtieth day of Junij in the yere of the lord 1589, I Jane Bruce of nether hayforde in the Countie
of Oxon widow, being in good health and perfecte remembrannce (I give most hartye thankes to god my heavenly father for it)
do mak and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in maner and forme folowing, first I give and bequeath my soule in to
the handes of god who gave it me, and by the death, and bloudshed of his sonne only hath redemmed me, from all my sinnes
And purchased me eternall life, after death, And this my weake, and frayel body to be buryed with in the parish church
of hayforde at bridge afore sayd,; I give and bequeath to the church of the same p[ar]ish vs - and towardes the reparing of the
Belles there, halfe a quarter of barley, It I give to every poor body dwelling in the same parish and having no plough going
or any corne growing of his owne; xijd, It I give to every one of my god childrene, vid It I give and bequeath to every
one of william Bruce his children, xiid, It I give to Jane Bruce the daughter of Thomas Bruce one parre of
shetes, It I give and release to John Bruce my husbndes Brother all the debtes and especyalityes that are betwixt him and
me, It I give and bequeath to henry lamleyes children sixe shepe to be equallye devided amongest them, And I give to
henry lamlye himselfe l s, It I will that these sixe shepe which I have given to henry lamleyes children shalbe
to those children w[hi]ch nowe he hath by this wif; It I give unto the children of Jane Crose which she now hath by
this man, sixe whepe, at the distcretion of my exe[c]utor, and my will & pleasure is that these shepe given to the children
of henry lamley and Jane Crose be delivered unto them after my departur when they be new shorne at the discretion
of my executor, It I give unto Jane Samon one fether bede two parre of shettes a boulster and a Coverlit and a
great worte pane, It I give unto Thomas Samon iiij shepe to be delivered within one yere after my death It I give
and bequeath unto Abigale Samon ij shep and ij parre of shettes, the third fether bede one boulster and a Coverlit,
the same to be payd unto here at the daye of her mariage or at the age of xxi yeres which of them shall first happen
It I give unto henry Samon ij shepe my second poote one pare of shetes, and ayerlinge calfe, It I give to Ryc Samon one
parre of shetes; It I give to John Samon ij shepe and unto Robert Samon ij shep and my will is that yf any of
my sonne Robert Samons Children to whom I have givene any thinge dye before they have received my giftes that then ye
giftes by me givene and bequeathed unto them shall remayne and be given unto the longest liver of him her or them,
It I give unto Abigale the Daughter of my sonne william Bruce, x shep, one terlinge Calfe, and a Cowe the same
to be delivered unto her at the daye of her mariage or when she shall come to the age of xxi yeres yf that shall first
happene but yf she dye before either of these tymes then the legacyes shall redonnde to my executor , It I give to
William Bruce the sonne of my sonne william Bruce, my part of the best fether bede in the house being a bed of downe
one boulster, one bedsteade, one great poote, one parre of rackes, the great spite, the Bringe leade, one basine
with an uyer, the table and Cubbard w[hi]ch stand in the haule, provided alwayes; that non of those thinges w[hi]ch I have
given to william Bruce my sonnes sonne, being thinges in the house, and necessary for the house, him and his, as the lead, the
the table & cubard in the hale, the rackes spitte the potte & bedstead or any other thinges w[hi]ch I have given unto
him, and nedfulle for him; shalbe du unto him nor yet removed out of the house before he come to the age of xxi yeres,
But yf he dye before he come to that age, then these thinges to him given and bequeathed shall redonnd unto my exe=
cutor It I give towardes the reparring of the Bridge halfe a quarter of barleye, It I give to phillipe vallance ij
strick of malt, & ij strickes of barleye, It I give unto ralfe Bruce ij strickes of malt, & ij strickes of barlye, It I give unto
william Samon ij shepe, all the rest of all my goodes and Chattelles both moveable and unmoveable, my debtes being payd
my funarall expences discharged and these legacies truly payd. I give and bequeath unto Robert Samon my sonne in law
whom I make my whole and alone executor of this last will and testament datted the daye and yere first above writen
I apoint to be overseeres. for the du p[er]formance of this my will, John martin the elder of Rowsham, and henry lamley, and
for their paynes I give them ijs vjd apesse, witnesse here unto,
Robert Boulton Clarke By me Jane Bruce
Gabriell Merry her
Christopher Guye Jane _|_ Bruce
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Probate from Registration:
Probatu[m] erat hoc Testamentu[m] Cora[m] ven[erab]li viro
milone Leighe in L[egibus] Bacc[alari]o Substitut[o] ven[erab]lis viri
Joh[ann]is Drewry legu[m] doctoris vicarij in Sp[irit]ualibus
gen[er]alis et Officialis Principalis Reverendi in
[Christ]o p[at]ris ac d[omi]ini d[omi]ni Joh[ann]is p[er]missione d[ivi]na Oxon
E[pisco]pi auc[torita]te L[egi]tima C[o]ns[tituto] Apud Oxon viz: Tertio
die mensis Novemb[ris] Anno d[omi]ni 1590 ac p[er] nos
app]ro]bat[ur] ac Insumat[ur] ac p[ro] vero valore eiusde[m] L[egi]time
p[ro]nu[n]ciat[um] Comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er] nos administra[ndo]
om[n]ium et singulor[um] bonor[um] dict[i] def[uncti] et eius
test[amentum] q[ua]l[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] concernen[tium] execut[oris] in eode[m] no[min]at[ur]
In forma iuris iurat[e] Saluo iure cuiuscu[m]q[ue]
It was proved, this Testament Before the venerable
Miles Leighe Bachelor of Laws substitute for the venerable
John Drewry doctor of laws vicar general in Spiritual
matters and lawfully appointed
the warranted Principal Official of the Reverend
father and lord in Christ, lord John, by divine permission, Bishop
of Oxford At Oxford that is to say the Third
day of the month of November Anno domini 1590 and through us
approved and registered and for the true value of the same, lawfully
declared, and the administration was and is commited through us
of all and singular the goods of the said deceased and concerning her
testament by whatever means to the executor names in the same
Sworn in the form of the law and preserving the right of anyone
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