The inventory for the probate of Arthur Huckvale (c.1560-1634) of Wigginton, Oxfordshire,
Gentleman, husband to Alecia ex Bruce nee Stratford, step-father to
William and Abigail Bruce (married to Nicholas Austen). He is
not a direct ancestor and appears to have had no children of his own,
but he is almost certainly the grandson of Christopher Huckvale, my 11th
great-grandfather via another Huckvale line. Arthur, did however, marry
Alecia, the widow of William Bruce (who died in July 1577, as a result
of the Black Assizes of Oxford. William Bruce and Alecia are my 10th
great-grandparents and Arthur left the residue of his estate to be split
between his two step-children whom he also made executors. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; Registered Will; 199.21; 31/4/7; Oxfordshire Archives
An Inventorie taken at wigginton in the
Countie of Oxford of the goods & Chattells
of Arthure Huckvale gent[leman] late of
wigginton deceassed, the Seaventh day
of October in the yeere of o[ur] lord 1634.
& praysed by George Blount. Thomas
Huckell John Croftes & Humfry Hall
£ . S . d
Imp[ri]mis all his wearinge aparrell x - 0 - 0
Item in redy monies _ _ _ _ 78 - ii - vj
Item one ioyne Bedsteede one ioyne Cubberd three
Chests two Coffers one litle box & one Chayre &
two litle Stooles _ _ _ _ iiij - 0 - 0
Item two ffetherbeds one flock bed three
fether bolsters fine fether pillowes with valeure
& Cartagnes _ _ _ _ _ 10 - x - 0
Item ffine Couerlids seuen blankets & three Cushins ii - vj - viij
Item fower gold rings one siluer thimble
and one siluer lacinge needle _ _ _ ii - x - 0
Item sixteene payre of sheets fine bord
of table napkins three pillowbeares _ _ vij - x - 0
Item one basen & ewer one other basen
two dozen of pewter platters seuen
Saucers eight perringers fower salt
sellers & two pewter Candlestickes _ _ ij - vj - viij
Item seuen brasen Candlestickes two
Chanernedishes one brzen flower pott _ _ 0 - xv - 0
Item all his bookes _ _ _ _ 0 - xiij - iiij
Item one Iron barr one payre of
Andirons & diuerse other implements _ _ j - 0 - 0
Item more in money due from mr
Parramore of Hoocknorton on
Michaelmas Day last past _ _ _ xiiij - 0 - 0
Total _ 128 - 14 - 2
George Blount:
Tho Huckell
John J Croftes
his marke.
Humfry H Hall
his marke/
Ex[ecu]tu[m] erat, hoc In[v]ent]uram apud Oxon Tertio
Die mensis Novembris Anno D[omi]ni 1634
p[er] W[illia]m Bruce et Abigal Austin ex[ecuto]res
testam[en]ti ac pro vero et perfecto In[vent]ure &c
sub p[ro]testato[n]e tamen de addendo &c quod si &c
It was executed, this Inventory at Oxford on the Third
Day of the month of November Anno Domini 1634
through William Bruce and Abigal Austin executors
of the testament and for the true and perfect Inventory etc.
under protestation nevertheless about which is to be added etc. which if etc.
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