Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Will of Margarete Bruc - Hayford at bridge, Oxfordshire - 1599

The will of Margarete Bruce, wife of Thomas, sister-in-law of Richarde Bruce my 11th great-grandfather. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; 190.344; 3/4/50; Original Will; Oxfordshire Archives

 In the name of god Amen September .3. Anno domi[ni] 1599. I margarete Bruc of hayford at bridge in the
Countye of oxforde widowe, do make, and institute this my last will and testame[n]t in maner
and forme folowing, first I give and comend my soule into the hands of god who gavest
me, and with the bloud of his only sonne redemed me; and my body to be buryed in the
p[a]rish church yerde of hatford aforesayde; as for those goods that god hath given me in this world
I give, and bequeath them in maner, and forme folowing, first I give and bequeath to my eldest
sonne Thomas Bruce, my lead and the bedstead in the chamber, It I give and bequeath
to my yongest sonne Thomas Bruce, a Cowe, the bedstead in the little parlor, the broch and the
Cobbe Irons, and the bedding that I have, my will is that it be equally divided betwixt
him, and his sister Janne, It I give and bequeath unto my sonne Ryc. Bruce, one yerling,
It I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Bruce a bushell of barley, It I give and bequeath
unto my sonne Ralf Bruce, ij bushelles of feed + mashling, It I give unto my daughter fris-
with white, ijs. It I give unto Betone Hart my daughter, a bushell of feed barlye, It I give
unto Elizabeth painton my daughter a bushell of mashling, It I give unto Ellin Jordan my
daughter, a bushell of wheat, and to her daughter Elizabeth Jordan an ewe shepe, It I
give unto margarete Bruce, the daughter of my sonne Ralf Bruce, one platter, my
husbands will being fulfilled, these legacies by me given being payd & my funarall exspences
discharged, my will is that the rest of my goods, unbequeathed be divided amongst these
my children spoken of in my husbands will, I appoint to be executors of this my last will
And Testament ioyntly together, my sonne Thomas Bruce the elder, and my sonne Rychard
Bruce his brother witnesse here unto

    his            his
Thomas T Guye    Thomas T Bayley
          marke                 marke

From Registered Will:

Probatum erat hoc testame[n]tu[m] cora[m] nobis
Will[ia]mo Marten archid[iacono] mag[ist]ro Substituto m[agistr]i
Anthonij Blincow legum doctoris Custod[is]
Sp[irit]ualit[is] C[om]ini[tatis] ac Dioces[is] Oxon necnon
Achi[deacon]tus Oxon Offi[cia]lis l[egi]time constituti
Apud midlton Stony viz xviijo die mens[is]
Septembris An[n]o D[omi]ni 1599 Ac p[er] nos app[ro]batu[m]
et insumatu[m] ac p[ro] vero valore eiusdem
l[egi]time p[ro]nu[n]ciatu[m] comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er]
nos admi[nistrand]o o[mn]ium et sing[u]loru[m] bonoru[m]
d]i]cti def[uncti] et eius test[amentu]m qual[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] con:
cernen[tium] Executoribus in eodem no[m]i[n[at[e]
in forma iuris iurat[e] Saluo iure

This testament was proved before us
William Marten master archdeacon Substitute for master
Anthony Blincow doctor of laws, Warden
of Spirituality of the County and Diocese of Oxford and also
the Archdeanery of Oxford, legally appointed Official
At Midlton Stony that is to say the 18th day of the month
of September Anno Domini 1599 And through us approved
and registered and for the true value of the same,
lawfully declared, through us the administration was and is
committed of all and singular the goods
of the said deceased and concerning her testament by
whatever means necessary, to the Executors named in the same
sworn in the name of the law, preserving the right
of anyone.

Inventarij sum[m]a    _    _    xijli xs ijd

Inventory for the Probate of Thomas Bruce - Nether Hayford, Oxfordshire - 1585

The inventory for the probate of Thomas Bruce the eldest (- Oct 1585), the husbandman, brother of Richarde Bruce my 11th great-grandfather, husband of Margarete. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; 186.383; 3/2/9; Original Will; Oxfordshire Archives

An Inventorie of the goods and cattells of Thomas Bruce the
Eldest late of Nether Hayford in the Cownt[y] of Oxon husband=
man deceassed, Seen, valwed and prised by Robert Samon,
Jeams Myn, and William Tredwell the xxthe daye of
November An[n]o D[o]m[ini] 1585, Regni D[omi]ne n[ost]t[a]e Elizabethe
Dei gra[tia] Anglie ffranc et Hiber[nie] Regine fidei defensor &cee

Imp[ri]mis iij horses    _    _    _    _    ls
Item one Cowe    _    _    _    _    _    xxiiis iiijd
It xj sheepe    _    _    _    _    _    xvs
It iij hoggs and one pigg    _    _    _    _    xiis
It iiij Ducks    _    _    _    _    _    viijd
It x hens    _    _    _    _    _    iijs ijd
It an owld Iorren bownd Cart and the furnitu[re] A }
ploughe & ye furniture for the same    _    _   }    xxxs
It All the woode abought the howse    _    _    xs
It the Crop in the barne    _    _    _    _    vjli
It Six Ac[res] and an halfe of wheat sowed    _    xxxvjs
It A table and A forme    _    _    _    _    xviijd
It A cubbard    _    _    _    _    _    xviijd
It A Gryndleston withe the Spindell    _    _    ijs
It An Ioren barr    _    _    _    _    _    xvjd
It all the Ioren wares    _    _    _    _    iijs
It all the pewter and brasse    _    _    _    xviijs
It all the Cowperie wares    _    _    _    vjs
It an owld Lead    _    _    _    _    iijs iiijd
It an owld heare clothe    _    _    _    _    xxd
It one Coffer    _    _    _    _    _    xd
It iij bedsteads    _    _    _    _    _    ijs
It all the beddinge withe the sheets    _    _    xxxvijs iiijd
It his apparrell    _    _    _    _    _    xiijs iiijd
It three Table clootheis    _    _    _    _    vs
It Sixe Table napkyns    _    _    _    _    ijs
It ij towelles    _    _    _    _    _    ijs
It iij Stocks of Beers    _    _    _    _    iijs
It ij Sacks    _    _    _    _    _    xvjd

    Sum[m]a totalis bonor[um] et }
    Catal[lorum] dicti defuncti       } xxli vs iiijd
    The sum total of the goods and
    chattels of the said deceased

Debts w[hi]ch the seid Thomas Bruc ought at
the tyme of his deceasse

Imp[ri]mis to Gefferie Hart his soon in lawe, [that] he     ]
asswered him in Marriaidge w[i]th his daughter Beton      ]    xli
It to Mr Marteb of Rowsham    _    _    _    _    xviijs
It to Christofer Gye the Burger    _    _    _    _    vjs
It to Water Halle the Sheepherd    _    _    _    vijs
It to Richard Bruc[e] his Soon    _    _    _    xls
It to Thomas Bruc[e] his eldest soon of [that] name    _    xls
It to the Churche wardens of Nether hayford    _    _    iijs iiijd

    Sum[m]a hor[um] que dictus defunct[u]s te[m]pore }
    vit[ae] et mortis sue debuit    _    _    _    }    xvli xiiijs iiijd
    The sum of these which the said deceased owed
    at the time of his life and death

    ? xxli vs iiijd su[m]ma scil[?] bonor[um] et
    catall[orum] ademptis remanebut iiijli xjs iiijd

    Sic Allocat[ur] prius allocandis, et deductis
    deinde deducendis Restat Sum[m]a total[is]
    huius Inventorij bonor[um] scil[?] dicti defuncti
    Thus the allowance previously to be allocated, and
    after deducting the deductions the residual Sum total
    of this Inventory of the goods of the said deceased

            iiijli xjs iiijd

Will of Thomas Bruce - Nether Hayford, Oxfordshire - 1582

The will of Thomas Bruce (- Oct 1585), husbandeman, brother of Richarde Bruce my 11th great-grandfather, husband of Margarete. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; 186.383; 3/2/9; Original Will; Oxfordshire Archives

Will d. 4 June 1582
Invt. 20 Nov 1585/

Bruc Thomas de
hayford infer senior

In the name of God Amen. The ffowrthe Daye of June: In the yeere of o[ur] Lord God One Thousand ffyve hundred
ffower scoore and twoo: I Thomas Bruce of Nether Hayford in the Cownt[y] of Oxon Husbandeman doo make this my
last will and testament in man[er] and forme followinge. ffirst I bequethe my sowle to the hands of Allmightie God trustinge
only by the blude sheddinge of Jesus Christ his Soon my redeem[er] to be saved and receave remission of my syns and not
other wayes. And for my worldly substanc I take this order. I geve and bequethe to my p[a]rishe churche one busshell of Barlie
And to the bridge of the same towne an other b[usshell] of barlie. Also I geve and bequethe to Raphe Bruce my Eldest Soon
my table and foorme in my Halle and one Land of Wheate and an other of Barlie but not to receave eine thinge untill
my wives deceasse. Also I geve to John Bruce A land of Winter coorne and one of Barlie to be receaved like wise. Also to
Clement Jordayne my soon in Lawe, A land of winter Coorne, and an other of Barlie. And to Elizabethe his daughter one
sheepe: an Eowe sheepe: And to Receave the same at my wyves deceasse: but the chyld hir sheepe p[re]sently upon my demise.
I Also geve to Thomas my eldest soon of that name my Iorren bownde carte, which he shall have at the deceasse of his
moother. Also to Richard my soon my great pott, likewise to receave the same. And also to my youngest soon Thomas my
gryndleston and spindell, withe my Iorren Barr: he to receave the same likewise. Nowe Conc[er]ninge my daughters.
ffirst to ffridiswithe I geve hir o xj S: to be receaved after my wyves deceasse. Also I geve Jane my daughter one black heaffor
iij sheepe and my woort pan to be receaved at my deceasse. Also I geve to Elizabethe my daught[er] A yeerling Calfe and two
sheepe, likewise to be receaved at my wives deceasse. And for the rest of all my goods moovable and unmoovable not bequethed
I geve them whollie to my wife Margaret, to enioy them durring this hir naturall lyfe and aft[er] hir deceasse from this lyfe
I geve and bequethe them equallie to be devided emonge theis my chyldren nowe sett downe. As ffirst Thomas my Eldest
Soon of that name: And Richerd his brother and Thomas the yonger and to theis my daught[er]s Jane and Elizabethe.
And as towcheing this my last will and testam[en]t I constitute and appoynt Margaret my wife to be my full and whole
Executrix, and she to fullfill this my last will in all poynts as neere as God shall geve his grac/
                                    By me Thomas Bruc

Probat[um] erat hoc Testament[um] coram
ffrancisco Bevans L[egum] doct[ore] Substitut[o]
Ven[erab]lis viri Griffini ffloid L[egum] doct[ore] Custoe
sp[irit]ualitat[is] C[o]mitat[is] ac dioc[esis] Oxon L[egi]time
constituti Apud Oxon viz vicesimo septimo
die mens[is] Novembris Anno d[omi]ni 1585
ac p[er] nos app[ro]bat[um] et Insumat[um] ac
p[ro] vero valore eiusde[m] L[egi]time p[ro]nu[n]ciat[um]
Comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er] nos Administra[nd]o
omn[iu]m et sing[u]loru[m] bonoru[m] dict[i] defunct[i]
et eius test[amentum] qual[iter]cu[m]q[ue] concernen[tium] executrici
in eode[m] no[min]ate In p[er]sona Thome Bruce
eius p[er] iurat[e] iurat[e] Saluo iure cuius=
cu[m]q[ue] ac p[er] eande[m] admiss[e] et accept[e] ./

This Testament was proved before
Francis Bevans doctor of Laws substitute
of the Venerable Griffin Floid doctor of Laws, Lawfully appointed
spiritual sacristan of the County and diocese of Oxford
At Oxford, that is to say, the twenty seventh
day of the month of November Anno domini 1585
and through us it was approved and registered, and
for the true value, Lawfully declared,
the administration was and is commited through us,
concerning all and singular the goods of the said deceased
and his testament by whatever means, to the executrix
named in the same This sworn in person by Thomas Bruce
as per the law Preserving the right of anyone
and through the same admitted and accepted ./

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Will of Richarde Bruse - Hayforde ad pontem, Oxfordshire - 1570

The will of Richarde Bruse (-Oct 1570) of Hayforde ad pontem, Oxfordshire, husband to Jane. Richarde is my 11th great-grandfather. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; Original & Registered Wills; 188.119; 3/2/78; Oxfordshire Archives

Testamentum Ricardi Bruse de hayforde
ad pontem ./.

In the name of god amen the xijth of October in the yere of o[ur] Lorde god
a thowsande fyve hundred threeskore and ten I Richarde Bruse off
Heyforde sycke of body and whole in memorye thanks be to god doo
make my Testamente and last wyll in maner and forme following
ffyrst I bequeth my sowle to allmyghtie god my creator and
redemer and my body to be buryed within the parisshe churche
of Dadington yf yt so please god that I shall ende this transitorye
lyffe there, Itm I bequeth and gyve to Elin my daughter twentye
pounde to be payed to her at the age of xxi yeres, Itm I bequeth
and gyve to Wyllyam my sonne twenty syxe pounde thirtene
shillings four pence to be payed to hym in lyk maner Allso I gyve
to my brother Thomas my best russett cote my seconde russett hose and my
buckskynne dublett, Itm I Gyve to my brother Wyllyam my black-
hose my canvas doublet and my best russett girkynne And where
my brother John owith me aleven pounde nyneteene shillings nyne
pence I wyll that he paye my wyffe eight pounde thereof, the rest
I gyve unto hym, I gyve to everye of my godchildren xiid apece,
Allso I gyve to everye of my brothers and systers children iiijd
apece, Itm I gyve towards the mayntayning of Hayforde
bridge halffe a quarter of barley Allso I gyve to George
Becke my worst russett cote and a parre of hose Itm I gyve
to eny poore howsholder in Heyford aforesaid iiijd Itm where
my brother Kynge owith me xxxiiijs I wyll that he paye to my said wiffe
xxs and the rest I gyve to hym, Itm gyve to eny one of my servants
now beyng with me xijd Allso I gyve more to Anne Baker my
mayde one cowe and syxe sheepe Itm I gyve to Richarde Bruse
my kynsman the sonne of Wyllyam Bruse nowe beyng with me
one cowe and twentye sheepe to be delyvered hym at the age off

xxi yeres, Itm I gyve to the poore people of Dadington iijs iiijd Allso I
gyve to my coson Cocks wedowe halffe a quarter of malte, Itm
I gyve to the poore people of Myddleton and Byssiter to eny of
the said Townes xxd, Itm I Gyve to Henry Raffbon my kynsman
of Byssyter halffe a quarter of malte, Itm I wyll that my wyfe
have my farme duryng her lyfe and after her deceasse to remayne
to Wyllyam my sonne and to the yssue of his body, And for lacke of
suche yssue to Elin my daughter. The resydue of my goods moveable
and unmoveable not bequeathed my detts and legacies p[er]formed,
and payed I bequeth and gyve to Jane my wyffe whom I ordeyne
and make my sole executrixe, and to be overseers John Byllinge
esquyer and Anthonye Yate, they and eny of them to have for
their paynes syxe shillings eight pence, In wytnesse hereof
the said John Bylling Anthonye Appultryne and Anthony Yate
Detts owing by the Testator To Owen Valens xli Philippe
Valens xxvli Henry Lamley xli Jane Lamley xli Jone
Lamley xli Alice Lamley x li Wyllyam Endale xs/
Detts owing to the said Testator Griffyne Reade gent xiijli
John Bruce viijli Thomas Kynge xxs/

Dicesimo septimo die mens[i]s Octobris Anno d[omi]ni
millesimo Quingentesimo Septuagesimo Et KRS [carissimus]
Elizabeth Anno duidecimo in Ecc[le]sia parochiali
o[mn]i[u]m Sanctoru[m] C[o]mitatis oxon inter horas decimaus
et undecimaus antemeridiem eiusdem diei coram ven[er]abili
viro Mag[ist]ro Joh. Kennall legum doctore Archi[deacon]tus
oxon Arch[idiac]ino comparint p[er]sonal[ite]r Jana Bruse
executrixe in Testamento Ricardi Bruse de
Hayforde ad pontem nup[er] def[uncti] no[m]i[n]ata et propter [a]es
alienu[m] in quo prefatus de tempore mort[i]s sue obnoxius
et indebitatus fuit renuncianit oneri et execuco[ri]
eiusdem petiitq[ue] l[ite]ras administraco[n]is bonoru[m] dicti
Ric[ard]i eius mariti def[uncti] sibi comitti ad cuius petico[n]em
Idem ven[er]abilis vir Archidiaconus antedictus ad
specialem rogatum dicte Jane renunciant[i]s hui[ism]o[d]i
decreuit dictas l[ite]ras administracois bonoru[m] antedicti
Ricardi def[uncti] eidem Jane committend[is] pro ut statim
easdem commisit de bene et fidel[ite]r administrando
eadem ac soluendo debita et legata eiusdem
def[uncti] ac dictu[m] Testamentu[m] p[er]implendo iuxta vires
Inventarij bonoru[m] iuriu[m] catalloru[m] et creditoru[m]
dicti Ric[ard]i Bruse def[uncti] fidel[ite]r confecti ac predictam
Janam administratricem exhibiti ad Sancta dei
evangelia primitus iurat Saluo iure cuiuscu[m]q[ue]
ac per eandem Janam admiss et accept ./.

The seventeenth day of the month of October Anno domini
one thousand five hundred seventy And the most beloved
Elizabeth the twelfth year in the Church of the parish
of All Saints of the County of Oxford, between the tenth
and eleventh hours before noon of the same day, before the venerable
Master John Kennall doctor of laws Archdeacon
of the Archdeanery of Oxford, Jane Bruse appeared personally,
named executrix in the Testament of Richard Bruse of
Hayford at bridge, recently deceased, and because of the debts
which the aforesaid owed and was owed at the time of his death,
requested renounciation of the burden and execution
of the same and the letters of the administration of the goods of the said
Richard her deceased husband were comitted to herself on account of which petition.
The same venerable Archdeacon aforesaid on account of
the special request of renounciation by the said Jane likewise
declared the said letters of administration of the goods of the aforesaid
deceased Richard, which are to be committed to the same Jane, in order that she properly
committed at the same time, the same to be well and faithfully
administered and the debts and legacies of the same deceased
and the said Testament to be paid by virtue
of an Inventory of the goods, rights, chattells and loans
of the said deceased Richard Bruse having been prepared and presented
by the aforesaid administratrix Jane, sworn in the first place
upon the Holy gospels of god, Preserving the right of anyone and
admitted and accepted by the same Jane ./.

Inventariu[m] _____ Cxxiiij iijs xd