Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Will of Margarete Bruc - Hayford at bridge, Oxfordshire - 1599

The will of Margarete Bruce, wife of Thomas, sister-in-law of Richarde Bruce my 11th great-grandfather. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; 190.344; 3/4/50; Original Will; Oxfordshire Archives

 In the name of god Amen September .3. Anno domi[ni] 1599. I margarete Bruc of hayford at bridge in the
Countye of oxforde widowe, do make, and institute this my last will and testame[n]t in maner
and forme folowing, first I give and comend my soule into the hands of god who gavest
me, and with the bloud of his only sonne redemed me; and my body to be buryed in the
p[a]rish church yerde of hatford aforesayde; as for those goods that god hath given me in this world
I give, and bequeath them in maner, and forme folowing, first I give and bequeath to my eldest
sonne Thomas Bruce, my lead and the bedstead in the chamber, It I give and bequeath
to my yongest sonne Thomas Bruce, a Cowe, the bedstead in the little parlor, the broch and the
Cobbe Irons, and the bedding that I have, my will is that it be equally divided betwixt
him, and his sister Janne, It I give and bequeath unto my sonne Ryc. Bruce, one yerling,
It I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Bruce a bushell of barley, It I give and bequeath
unto my sonne Ralf Bruce, ij bushelles of feed + mashling, It I give unto my daughter fris-
with white, ijs. It I give unto Betone Hart my daughter, a bushell of feed barlye, It I give
unto Elizabeth painton my daughter a bushell of mashling, It I give unto Ellin Jordan my
daughter, a bushell of wheat, and to her daughter Elizabeth Jordan an ewe shepe, It I
give unto margarete Bruce, the daughter of my sonne Ralf Bruce, one platter, my
husbands will being fulfilled, these legacies by me given being payd & my funarall exspences
discharged, my will is that the rest of my goods, unbequeathed be divided amongst these
my children spoken of in my husbands will, I appoint to be executors of this my last will
And Testament ioyntly together, my sonne Thomas Bruce the elder, and my sonne Rychard
Bruce his brother witnesse here unto

    his            his
Thomas T Guye    Thomas T Bayley
          marke                 marke

From Registered Will:

Probatum erat hoc testame[n]tu[m] cora[m] nobis
Will[ia]mo Marten archid[iacono] mag[ist]ro Substituto m[agistr]i
Anthonij Blincow legum doctoris Custod[is]
Sp[irit]ualit[is] C[om]ini[tatis] ac Dioces[is] Oxon necnon
Achi[deacon]tus Oxon Offi[cia]lis l[egi]time constituti
Apud midlton Stony viz xviijo die mens[is]
Septembris An[n]o D[omi]ni 1599 Ac p[er] nos app[ro]batu[m]
et insumatu[m] ac p[ro] vero valore eiusdem
l[egi]time p[ro]nu[n]ciatu[m] comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er]
nos admi[nistrand]o o[mn]ium et sing[u]loru[m] bonoru[m]
d]i]cti def[uncti] et eius test[amentu]m qual[ite]rcu[m]q[ue] con:
cernen[tium] Executoribus in eodem no[m]i[n[at[e]
in forma iuris iurat[e] Saluo iure

This testament was proved before us
William Marten master archdeacon Substitute for master
Anthony Blincow doctor of laws, Warden
of Spirituality of the County and Diocese of Oxford and also
the Archdeanery of Oxford, legally appointed Official
At Midlton Stony that is to say the 18th day of the month
of September Anno Domini 1599 And through us approved
and registered and for the true value of the same,
lawfully declared, through us the administration was and is
committed of all and singular the goods
of the said deceased and concerning her testament by
whatever means necessary, to the Executors named in the same
sworn in the name of the law, preserving the right
of anyone.

Inventarij sum[m]a    _    _    xijli xs ijd

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