Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Will of Thomas Bruce - Nether Hayford, Oxfordshire - 1582

The will of Thomas Bruce (- Oct 1585), husbandeman, brother of Richarde Bruce my 11th great-grandfather, husband of Margarete. Transcribed by myself.
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; 186.383; 3/2/9; Original Will; Oxfordshire Archives

Will d. 4 June 1582
Invt. 20 Nov 1585/

Bruc Thomas de
hayford infer senior

In the name of God Amen. The ffowrthe Daye of June: In the yeere of o[ur] Lord God One Thousand ffyve hundred
ffower scoore and twoo: I Thomas Bruce of Nether Hayford in the Cownt[y] of Oxon Husbandeman doo make this my
last will and testament in man[er] and forme followinge. ffirst I bequethe my sowle to the hands of Allmightie God trustinge
only by the blude sheddinge of Jesus Christ his Soon my redeem[er] to be saved and receave remission of my syns and not
other wayes. And for my worldly substanc I take this order. I geve and bequethe to my p[a]rishe churche one busshell of Barlie
And to the bridge of the same towne an other b[usshell] of barlie. Also I geve and bequethe to Raphe Bruce my Eldest Soon
my table and foorme in my Halle and one Land of Wheate and an other of Barlie but not to receave eine thinge untill
my wives deceasse. Also I geve to John Bruce A land of Winter coorne and one of Barlie to be receaved like wise. Also to
Clement Jordayne my soon in Lawe, A land of winter Coorne, and an other of Barlie. And to Elizabethe his daughter one
sheepe: an Eowe sheepe: And to Receave the same at my wyves deceasse: but the chyld hir sheepe p[re]sently upon my demise.
I Also geve to Thomas my eldest soon of that name my Iorren bownde carte, which he shall have at the deceasse of his
moother. Also to Richard my soon my great pott, likewise to receave the same. And also to my youngest soon Thomas my
gryndleston and spindell, withe my Iorren Barr: he to receave the same likewise. Nowe Conc[er]ninge my daughters.
ffirst to ffridiswithe I geve hir o xj S: to be receaved after my wyves deceasse. Also I geve Jane my daughter one black heaffor
iij sheepe and my woort pan to be receaved at my deceasse. Also I geve to Elizabethe my daught[er] A yeerling Calfe and two
sheepe, likewise to be receaved at my wives deceasse. And for the rest of all my goods moovable and unmoovable not bequethed
I geve them whollie to my wife Margaret, to enioy them durring this hir naturall lyfe and aft[er] hir deceasse from this lyfe
I geve and bequethe them equallie to be devided emonge theis my chyldren nowe sett downe. As ffirst Thomas my Eldest
Soon of that name: And Richerd his brother and Thomas the yonger and to theis my daught[er]s Jane and Elizabethe.
And as towcheing this my last will and testam[en]t I constitute and appoynt Margaret my wife to be my full and whole
Executrix, and she to fullfill this my last will in all poynts as neere as God shall geve his grac/
                                    By me Thomas Bruc

Probat[um] erat hoc Testament[um] coram
ffrancisco Bevans L[egum] doct[ore] Substitut[o]
Ven[erab]lis viri Griffini ffloid L[egum] doct[ore] Custoe
sp[irit]ualitat[is] C[o]mitat[is] ac dioc[esis] Oxon L[egi]time
constituti Apud Oxon viz vicesimo septimo
die mens[is] Novembris Anno d[omi]ni 1585
ac p[er] nos app[ro]bat[um] et Insumat[um] ac
p[ro] vero valore eiusde[m] L[egi]time p[ro]nu[n]ciat[um]
Comissaq[ue] fuit et est p[er] nos Administra[nd]o
omn[iu]m et sing[u]loru[m] bonoru[m] dict[i] defunct[i]
et eius test[amentum] qual[iter]cu[m]q[ue] concernen[tium] executrici
in eode[m] no[min]ate In p[er]sona Thome Bruce
eius p[er] iurat[e] iurat[e] Saluo iure cuius=
cu[m]q[ue] ac p[er] eande[m] admiss[e] et accept[e] ./

This Testament was proved before
Francis Bevans doctor of Laws substitute
of the Venerable Griffin Floid doctor of Laws, Lawfully appointed
spiritual sacristan of the County and diocese of Oxford
At Oxford, that is to say, the twenty seventh
day of the month of November Anno domini 1585
and through us it was approved and registered, and
for the true value, Lawfully declared,
the administration was and is commited through us,
concerning all and singular the goods of the said deceased
and his testament by whatever means, to the executrix
named in the same This sworn in person by Thomas Bruce
as per the law Preserving the right of anyone
and through the same admitted and accepted ./

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