The inventory for the probate of Thomas Bruce the eldest (- Oct 1585), the husbandman, brother of Richarde
Bruce my 11th great-grandfather, husband of Margarete. Transcribed by
Source: Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857; 186.383; 3/2/9; Original Will; Oxfordshire Archives
An Inventorie of the goods and cattells of Thomas Bruce the
Eldest late of Nether Hayford in the Cownt[y] of Oxon husband=
man deceassed, Seen, valwed and prised by Robert Samon,
Jeams Myn, and William Tredwell the xxthe daye of
November An[n]o D[o]m[ini] 1585, Regni D[omi]ne n[ost]t[a]e Elizabethe
Dei gra[tia] Anglie ffranc et Hiber[nie] Regine fidei defensor &cee
Imp[ri]mis iij horses _ _ _ _ ls
Item one Cowe _ _ _ _ _ xxiiis iiijd
It xj sheepe _ _ _ _ _ xvs
It iij hoggs and one pigg _ _ _ _ xiis
It iiij Ducks _ _ _ _ _ viijd
It x hens _ _ _ _ _ iijs ijd
It an owld Iorren bownd Cart and the furnitu[re] A }
ploughe & ye furniture for the same _ _ } xxxs
It All the woode abought the howse _ _ xs
It the Crop in the barne _ _ _ _ vjli
It Six Ac[res] and an halfe of wheat sowed _ xxxvjs
It A table and A forme _ _ _ _ xviijd
It A cubbard _ _ _ _ _ xviijd
It A Gryndleston withe the Spindell _ _ ijs
It An Ioren barr _ _ _ _ _ xvjd
It all the Ioren wares _ _ _ _ iijs
It all the pewter and brasse _ _ _ xviijs
It all the Cowperie wares _ _ _ vjs
It an owld Lead _ _ _ _ iijs iiijd
It an owld heare clothe _ _ _ _ xxd
It one Coffer _ _ _ _ _ xd
It iij bedsteads _ _ _ _ _ ijs
It all the beddinge withe the sheets _ _ xxxvijs iiijd
It his apparrell _ _ _ _ _ xiijs iiijd
It three Table clootheis _ _ _ _ vs
It Sixe Table napkyns _ _ _ _ ijs
It ij towelles _ _ _ _ _ ijs
It iij Stocks of Beers _ _ _ _ iijs
It ij Sacks _ _ _ _ _ xvjd
Sum[m]a totalis bonor[um] et }
Catal[lorum] dicti defuncti } xxli vs iiijd
The sum total of the goods and
chattels of the said deceased
Debts w[hi]ch the seid Thomas Bruc ought at
the tyme of his deceasse
Imp[ri]mis to Gefferie Hart his soon in lawe, [that] he ]
asswered him in Marriaidge w[i]th his daughter Beton ] xli
It to Mr Marteb of Rowsham _ _ _ _ xviijs
It to Christofer Gye the Burger _ _ _ _ vjs
It to Water Halle the Sheepherd _ _ _ vijs
It to Richard Bruc[e] his Soon _ _ _ xls
It to Thomas Bruc[e] his eldest soon of [that] name _ xls
It to the Churche wardens of Nether hayford _ _ iijs iiijd
Sum[m]a hor[um] que dictus defunct[u]s te[m]pore }
vit[ae] et mortis sue debuit _ _ _ } xvli xiiijs iiijd
The sum of these which the said deceased owed
at the time of his life and death
? xxli vs iiijd su[m]ma scil[?] bonor[um] et
catall[orum] ademptis remanebut iiijli xjs iiijd
Sic Allocat[ur] prius allocandis, et deductis
deinde deducendis Restat Sum[m]a total[is]
huius Inventorij bonor[um] scil[?] dicti defuncti
Thus the allowance previously to be allocated, and
after deducting the deductions the residual Sum total
of this Inventory of the goods of the said deceased
iiijli xjs iiijd
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